
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I am so focused and excited

I find myself being very focused for the moment. Every day I make something. I have a goal. The crafts market in my village on Sunday. It gives me motivation.

I would lie if I said I am not nervous. Of course I am nervous. Who wouldn't be? What if nobody will buy my things? What if I am a poor sales woman? What if my language skills puts me in trouble? And on the other hand I wonder; Do I have enough stuff to fill my table? How will I expose it? What shall I charge? Well, there are a million things going on in my head right now. But I am focused. And I am happier than I have been in a long time.

With so litle crafty time on my hands I have to plan carefully to not become an ignoring mom or neglecting the house to much. Believe me, the house is okay, but far from the state I would like it to be. But it is okay. I run the vacuum a couple of times a week, do a little bit of laundry every day. I put my kids to work. Yep! I am delegating chores to receive more time by the sewing machine and cutting table. And they help without fuss, surprisingly... I guess they somehow understand that this is important to me. To try my wings with my crafts more officially.

So this weekend I didn't have much time as I was alone with the kids, but I did get time to prepare for some buntings to sell. This way I can sneak in and finish it off while the potatoes are boiling or when the kids get ready for bed... A few minutes here and there. Gosh, I am so focused.

Playing with my fabric stash fulfills my soul and to actually use some of the fabric s that has been on the shelf for a looooong time makes me very happy. And excited... Because then I can justify buying some new fun fabric. Lucky me!:D

Well this post became more personal than I expected but I guess I just needed to share my big upcoming adventure. Cross fingers my friends that I will do well. Any advice is welcome from you who have some experience from craft markets. I am so fresh at this and anything from exposing tips to labeling tips or packaging of purchased items are a blessing. Now it is time for breakfast and a day at my "real" job. An office job. Not very fun one. That is probably why I am so over the moon right now when I am doing the thing I love most in life. Creating!

Lots of love and excitement form to you. Have  a lovely day!



  1. O I hope you do well. En joy the day! I would definitely buy one of those buntings if I could transport myself to you village this weekend.

  2. Hi Annette,i know exactly how your feeling ,i have done maybe 3 fairs up to now and each one was very different but all good experience and each one i learnt something new and gained more confidence ,so really hope it goes well and just be proud of your work its amazing xxxx

  3. Good luck with your craft stall. I don't have any advise I can offer I'm afraid, but it sounds like you're doing great so far and I'm sure you don't need to be nervous. Hope everything goes nice and smoothly for you on the big day!

    S x

  4. A craft fair! So much fun. :)

    I think an important thing is to make sure each item has a visible price label - a lot of people are not keen on asking the price and would rather walk away than ask.

    Hope you sell heaps of stuff.

  5. You are having fun!! This is really good!! Keep going and enjoy every moment of that!!
    xxx Ale

  6. Så spännande! Känner igen det där att försöka sno åt sig små stunder för att sy och däremellan jobba, träna, vara en god mor och hustru! Vill man så går det!!! ;)
    Lycka till!

  7. Wishing you every success with your craft market stall. I am sure you will do very well, you write very well so I'm sure their will be no problems with language. Your products are beautiful, you are passionate about what you are doing. They are both very good selling point.
    Have lots of fun,
    Anne xx

  8. Oh, I understand, I am working for my first exhibition (with 2 real painters) where I will be showing some of my embroideries. I have all the doubts you have but you know what: I am making panels that I like, if I do not sell, they will be hang in my drawing room.
    Let's have some fun and enjoy these new experiences!

  9. Dear Annette!!
    Great news! I feel so excited for you...and yes, kids do understand when moms have something they are excited about and need some more time - at least this is my experience! I hope you have looots of fun preparing and wish you all the luck you need for selling! Simone

  10. Best wishes for the weekend!!! And please, make a few photos of your works of art before you sell them and post it here!!!!

  11. Annette you will be fine - the things you make are gorgeous!
    But I know exactly how you feel as I have been there before doing markets and fairs in the past, and for the first time in a couple of years I too am sharing those feelings as I have two Xmas fairs coming up soon!
    Will I have enough stuff - will people like it -will they buy it - I know, I know!
    Its scary, but at the same time you are enjoying this, being focused and working hard to juggle it all with looking after your family and home, and it will all come right - good luck on Sunday!!!
    Gill xx

  12. Oh this so sweet, but why or why are you nervous. If they don't buy your stuff, there are silly.
    I personal like tables that are in color order. Have fun, I wish you all the best.

  13. Hi Annette! I am in the same boat as you! I LOVE the time I spend making things for my shop, and also have an office job which I like, but I would rather be sewing!!
    I have not tried a craft fair yet, so I don't have any advise, other to make your booth cute, cute, cute!!
    I know it is hard to juggle family, home, work and your creative passion...but life would be miserable without that passion.
    Good Luck!!!
    xoxo Debbie

  14. Hi Annette! Everything looks beautiful!!!! I think you will do quite well at the craft fair. Good luck!

  15. Good luck Annette, It's so lovely when you get that surge of inspiration! and I know what you mean about the house, I have to keep doing the basics I can't face letting everything fall apart, just means kaos and I can't face that! Hope all goes well at the craft fair. It will be what it will be as they say, just make sure you have a nice day too, Heather x

  16. Good luck and crossed fingers here from Denmark too :)

    Im pretty sure your stuff will sell pretty well.

  17. Åh, vad spännande! Jag håller tummarna för att det ska bli succé! Var inte för billig, är det enda råd jag har. Jag ger hellre bort saker än säljer det för en struntsumma. Här är det stor loppis på lördag som jag ska stå på, men ikväll blev lilla Ebba magsjuk... Tänk om jag inte kan fara, den loppisen brukar generera bra med pengar...
    Kram på dig och lycka till!

  18. I wish you could bring your stall to Tunbridge Wells...I would love to chat to you and would buy lots! Whenever I need some inspiration I drop by your blog and love the fact that you post so often (my favourites are your washing lines). I'm looking forward to hearing how it all went.
    Denise @ ToadRockStreet.


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