
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daisy Square Play

I am hit by the crochet bug again. No, I am not working on my Gypsy Blanket... That project seem to really become a never ending story. I wanted to make something new. I wanted to make something with my Daisy Square. I wanted to make something colorful.

It is funny (weird maybe...) what impact some yarny time can have on you. Maybe only a manic crocheter like me - and you - can understand and identify with the incredible "feel good" that is spread in your mind and soul when crocheting. A natural happy drug!

Do you remember my first (and only) Daisy Square project, the Daisy Square pillow? I found a basket of left over wool yarn from that project and from my Shell stitch blanket and got started. And couldn't stop.

I haven't really decided yet on what to make. A scarf? A stool cover? A pillow? Shall I keep it for myself? Shall I sell it? I guess I have enough squares for any of the three projects. And I guess I won't know until I am finished with this project how hard it will be to part from it if I choose to sell it...

I am experimenting with colors for the edging. I think I have found a winner. What do you think? What would you make out of this lot of colorful Daisy Squares? Would you sell it or keep it? Would you buy something made from these squares? What have you made out of the Daisy Squares before? Leave a trail and let me have a peek at what type of Daisy Square happiness you have in your home. I am curious to know...

Happy Sunday. The sun is shining here today. I feel good.



  1. Love those colours Annette. The white edged in grey is very attractive..

  2. Hi Annette, daisy square is a good name for this pattern. It's one I have used a lot for my cushions. It's sweet yes and very addictive, hard to let go of sometimes as well! have to make sure you have some to scatter around in your home too. The grey is nice for holding all the bright colours together, enjoy, Heather x

  3. Love your squares!!! And yes : I'll buy something crocheted by you!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  4. very pretty ! Love all the colors , looks very happy !

  5. oh, wieder so herrlich für`s Auge, diese schönen Farben! wunderschön auch die Umrandung! Ich kann nur bestätigen, dass Häkeln eine natürliche Droge ist - totale Entspannung und dann Freude über das fertige Projekt!
    Ich bin auch ständig am Häkeln, Stricken und Nähen, aber bei 5 Kindern und 16 Enkelkindern, kann ich nie etwas davon behalten! zu viele Geburtstage ;-)
    Also, behalte so viel Du nur kannst.
    lG ilona

  6. Im working on a blanket of Daisy squares for myself. And it is addictive :)

  7. Nice colourful daisy squares being born. They'll make a perfect big blanket to cheer up dark winter days in your home!

  8. It's great! I love the colours, I'd be happy too if I was creating such beauty! Ada :)

  9. Bela combinação de cores.
    Lindo, lindo.

  10. Love these, and such pretty colors!! xo Heather

  11. Wonderful colours, I can't wait to see what you make with them...

  12. wow..... love the colors :)

  13. Oh, beautiful, I should put myself to crochet and then keep everything I make for myself, if it turns out like yours.

  14. Great colors. I love blankets so ofcourse I would make one :) Im always working on 1 or 2 blankets, Cant get enough.

  15. Oh, i'd have to keep it!! I love the grey around the outer edge - different and unusual choice, but I like it! J9 x

  16. Olá, Annette! Adorei seu blog e seu trabalho! Parabéns!! Estou aprendendo muito com você!!!


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