
Thursday, October 18, 2012

A scrappy pillow

Today I have finally done some tidy up in my studio. Getting ready for some new projects to take place. Yesterday I received the most wonderful bundle of cheerful Christmas fabric. I can't wait to cut into those!!!

This scrappy pillow was finished a while ago. I just haven't found the time to post about it. As you all can tell I am very much into pillow making for the moment. :D Well, some of you call me the Pillow Queen. I really like that. Thanks!

I really love the scrappy feel of the patchwork on this pillow, made from a vibrant collection of 2,5 inch squares. They are quilted with diagonal lines and attached to a home decor fabric. The back has a simple envelope closing.

The fabric was bought at Whimsidots ETSY shop. If you haven't visit her shop yet I suggest you do. Whimsidots sells upcycled fabric in all kinds of measurements for very reasonable prices. These squares was from a bag of her "scrappy left overs". Who would have known they would turn into something cheerful like this? Which fabric is your favorite? I am head over heals in love with the grass green one with white tiny flowers on and the Asia inspired red flower branch on the pink and white background and... Shall I go on? :D

So this pillow is a complete recycle project and that gives me the greatest satisfaction. I am so pleased with how it turned out and I have already started on another one.

My scrappy pillow is for sale in my ETSY shop and it will soon be accompanied by more scrappy pillows.



  1. Liebe Anette,
    da hast Du wieder wunderschöne Stoffe genommen!
    Ich verfolge schon seit längerer Zeit Deinen Blog und finde ihn super! Vielen lieben Dank für die tollen Inspirationen! Egal, ob Du nähst oder häkelst, es ist immer eine Augenweide, also wundervoll anzuschauen!!!
    Das Rezept von gestern kannte ich auch noch nicht! Hört sich absolut lecker an, werde ich probieren!
    Danke, dass es Dich gibt!
    Liebe Grüße von Ilona

  2. I love it Annette! Such a cute pillow :) I wish I could sew like that; it's one of the things that I would like to get really good at! ;)

  3. just lovely Annette! very holly hobby don't you think, that could just be her apron! Heather x

  4. Oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You always do nice things! Congratulations, Annette! I love these two cushions are colorful and fun, a lot!

  5. yes, you are great in doing pillows!!!!
    have a nice weekend!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  6. Very cute and colourful! What fun to look at on a gray autumn morning :)Hazel x

  7. The fabric is lovely, I will pop over for a peek! Ada :)

  8. Thank you for your lovely thoughts! As parents we can have our challenges can't we, but Motherly Love steps in and helps us! My Etsy shop is there, right near my profile! No picture yet, I'm having a few difficulties with my laptop! Thank you for adding me to my our Etsy circle, I'm still working it out but will start making circles soon!!! Ada :)

  9. You have such a way with colour, this pillow would be a great addiction to any house!

  10. Good morning Annette, for some reason your blog disappeared from my blog roll, so I have missed many of your wonderful post..OMG! You have been so busy..the cushions as well as your craft table sales look wonderful..It looks like all your hard work paid off!
    Come say hi as I am having a giveaway❤


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