
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Digging potatoes

I am digging potatoes. In two ways. I am digging potatoes and I am digging potatoes if you get what I mean. It is soothing to dig potatoes, using your muscles, getting dirty, turning the soil... Digging your own grown potatoes is magic and beautiful. At least in my eyes. These are pink. We have a nother row of yellow potatoes that I will dig up tomorrow.

The last few days I have totally disconnected from the sewing in my life. Taking a well deserved break. It was necessary, to let it all sink in and move on. The garden is a perfect place for disconnecting. Preparing it for the winter slumber now. Thank you darlings for all your kind words and for sticking it through with my stories about the market thingy. I am preparing for some "giving back" time so stay tuned.

So do you dig potatoes? I love potatoes. I love them mashed with a great big meatloaf, I love them gently pressed with grilled salmon, I love them cooked with a roast and gravy and I love them baked in the oven like Hasselback's potatoes. Make them like this:

Hasselback's potatoes

Cut the potatoes in slices but not all the way through.
Keep the bottom whole.
Brush with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and sprinkle with salt, throw in some herbs if you have.
(I used Rosemary twigs...).
Bake in the middle of oven on 200C˙/390F˙ for about 35 minutes,
brushing them with Extra Virgin Olive Oil a couple of times.
Sprinkle with some extra salt and breadcrumbs and bake for another 10 minutes until brown.
Serve with grilled chicken, roast or fish, vegetables and salad.



  1. Beautiful photos and your potatoes look delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Heather

  2. I'm going to try these on our next roast dinner! Yes, I think you need a rest, not too long mind, I love seeing your creations! Ada :)

  3. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

  4. I am having a potato digging week too..if you know what I mean. I have sewn lots of bags lately and haven't decided what to sew next so I'm having a break. Your potatoes look so good, I love Hasselback potatoes too.

  5. No I buy them :) I love the pink ones. You just gave me an idea what to make for dinner tonight, THANK YOU

  6. Your potatoes are so lovely. :) There's nothing like some dirt therapy, IMHO, and finding homegrown jewels makes it even better. I can't wait to try the potato recipe.


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