
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh what a beautiful morning - Oh what a beautiful day!

The day starts out with some cozy TV watching under quilts and crocheted blankets. I make "Papa's pancakes", being American puffy small pancakes, for breakfast. It is going to be a wonderful October day.

I welcome this month with all my heart. Taking my chance to wash some bed sheets and dry them outside. Collecting some flower pots and browsing through the garden, enjoying the Dhalias and the changing colors of the vine on the neighbor's house. I realize that one of my latest creations has the same color theme. It makes me autumn happy.

I am preparing for a craft market here in my village. Making pillows, baby blankets, buntings and more... I have listed many of my creations in my shop. I am also looking over my blog, experimenting with new banners and layout. Be patient if it looks different every other day for a while until I settle with a design the feels completely comfy and completely My Rose Valley-ish.

When watching TV I still work on my never ending Gypsy blanket. It is an autumn and winter project for sure. I am close to being done now.  Unless I once again change my mind and choose to add another row of small granny squares to it... I can see I am running out of yarn... Time to make an online purchase today. Well, my day is fabulous so far. How is yours?



  1. Happy and yummy post!!!
    Best wishes for your market and enjoy your weekend, xxx Ale

  2. Hi Annette! I like your garden and your flowers! I would like you to visit the crafts market in your village but ... I can not! I will wish him the best for you and your family. Good luck on the market! The cushion I feel wonderful!

  3. Fabulous!!! Looks like a wonderful start of the weekend to me!

  4. It looks like your family has a wonderful morning !!!

  5. So beautiful!! Wishing you a lovely weekend! xo Heather

  6. Härliga bilder! Dahliorna är underbara och plättarna ser såååå goda ut.
    Även i Stockholm och stora delar av landet har det varit strålande sol och blå himmel. Jag har t.o.m. ätit frukost på balkongen i nattlinne och med ett fönster öppet.

  7. It was a lovely warm and sunny day here. I went for a walk, then met with a friend for lunch. It was so nice being outside, it almost felt like summer.
    Like you I put some laundry to dry outside, and crocheted a little bit for a new project.
    What a peaceful day.

  8. Lovely pictures to capture a perfect day.

  9. Lovely pictures ,loving the fabric and cushions xxx

  10. Your day really does look beautiful, you have a wonderful sense of colour and I've enjoyed all of your photos today.

  11. Best of luck with the craft market, hope it's successful for you. Blog design never really finishes, does it? There's always a little tweaking to be done :)

  12. Hi Annette!! I love your beautiful pictures you posted today...we are having a nice relaxed day today..I usually cook for our daughter and son in law and 5 grandchildren every Sunday for lunch after church but they were busy today in meetings so we had lunch at a yummy Chinese place then came home and I made some delicious pumpkin bars with homemade cream cheese frosting~a nice treat for a beautiful Fall day here...Have you ever made the crocodile stitch in crochet? I learned it and I am crocheting me a scarf in mustard color...Love it!!! Have a beautiful Sunday!! Carol

  13. I love the Autumn-y feel to all your pictures :)

  14. Lovely post with a sense a contentment coming across! Gorgeous autumnal photos.
    Have fun preparing for the market, your goods are always so bright and pretty you will be sure to do well - good luck Annette!

    Gill xx

  15. What a beautiful pillow! I am so happy to have found your blog today. I am sick today with a bad cold and can't get up the energy to knit or crochet which is depressing. It is dreary outside here as well. Reading your beautiful blog has lifted my spirits and made me feel much better.


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