
Saturday, October 27, 2012

One Direction, scones and hot chocolate

I was dressed in denim overalls when entering the hospital in Cairns, Australia the 27th of October 2001. I was terrified and did not have a clue of what to expect. We stayed at home for as long as we could, watching "Best in show"... If you haven't seen this movie you have to. It is HILARIOUS!

My goal was to make it until the movie was over, me rocking back and forth leaning towards the dining table while Jay anxiously tried to watch the movie (as I told him with a big grin that "I am perfectly fine! Don't worry and watch the movie!" although the contractions were tearing me apart...). The End came up on the screen and I shouted:
- Lets go! NOW!
I was a long way from home in a foreign country. I missed my Mom. I felt out of place. Luckily my mid-wife Nel was fantastic. She guided me through step by step. My first baby girl was born many hours later.  She changed my life.

Today she turned 11. Today it is all about cute boys in a boy band called One Direction. It is about posters, T-shirts, getting cash for concert tickets, the One Direction Album, writing fan mail, dreaming about meeting them... It is the first big idol crush. I can remember how it was. For me it was Michael Jackson, Robban from the Swedish movie "G",  James Dean and Matt Dillon... Anyone who remembers this???

It was a great birthday morning. Balloons, presents, scones and hot chocolate. And a very happy 11 year old. And now I am on my first mission, downloading the album to her iPod Touch and to put up the poster in her room. We love you Nelly. Happy Birthday!

Mamma Annette


  1. Happy Birthday to your young girl!!!
    xoxo for you, Ale

  2. Happy Birthday Miss Nelly, you are a delight.

  3. Happy Birthday from us to Nelly as well! What a fantastic age - I remember...:)
    Have a really nice weekend!

  4. Grattis till Nelly, vilket sammanträffande då min äldsta dotter Ella fyller 7 år idag.
    Så mycket fint du gör och din Etsy-shop är jättefin, gillar dina filtar...Just nu är jag så less på att sy åt andra, vill bara sy till mig själv och mina barn. Men det har varit ganska fullt upp på sistone och det har liksom inte funnits tid för andrum. Jag har fått nytt jobb också, som sekreterare åt platschefen på sjukhuset. Ett vikariat på 1 år, jag är skitnöjd.
    Grattis igen till Nelly och jag hoppas att ni haft en toppendag! De där tonårsidolerna, tänk vilken fixering, jag gillade Danny Wood i New kids on the block, haha vilka minnen, men det var ju på fullaste allvar!

  5. Happy birthday to you daughter! I have an 11 year old too, she still has her Tom boy ways, no boy band interest as yet! Ada :)

  6. Happy birthday Nelly!!!!!!! A mis hijas también les encanta One direction.

  7. happy birthday Nelly, I hope you get your wish to get to meet them

  8. Lovely birthday celebrations! I like all the balloons and the presents waiting on the table! The birthday girl looks very happy! I loved doing birthday parties for my kids when they were little.

  9. I haven't thought in a long time about the birth of my children. The first time I was a bit frightened but ready to face the unknown. I wouldn't be so strong now that I am MUCH older!
    Lovely picture of the family celebrating Nelly, my wishes to her.

  10. This post did make me smile! You see, you and I must have been 'rocking back and forth' at a similar time - my daughter has also not long turned 11! Her birthday present from us? One Direction concert tickets!!!

    A very happy (if a touch belated) birthday to Nelly.

    Heather x

  11. my old son was born at 27th october too, but on 1993. Congratulation for your beautiful daughter.


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