
Thursday, November 29, 2012

I am ready for my event!

Today I am preparing for this event. I am good to go. And yes, I am my own biggest fan (refering to the slamming text in this advert...). If I wouldn't be, how could I sell my things with pride? :D Twink! I know how much love and detail I have put into every single item I sell. I know I sell items of high quality. Handmade with love and pleasure. ♥♥♥

Thank you for your supportive comments on my last post. This "close-to-deadline" behavior is driving me nuts at times. But you see, somehow I just get it all together in the end. And I am so happily surprised every single time. :D Christmas pillows are piled up. Buntings hung. Baby blankets nicely folded and some other items exposed in baskets. Yes, I am ready.


PS Let me remind you again about my Christmas Pillow Give Away. I am drawing a winner on Sunday. Click here for more information.


  1. Wow..that's so exciting! Good luck and enjoy!

  2. Brava Annette!!!! love your enthusiasm and your great work!!!
    xxxx Ale

  3. I know you'll be a Star! Have lots of fun!

  4. Good luck and haveva lot of fun with the event! Simone

  5. Yay knew you could do it, wishing you tons of luck xx

  6. Good luck Annette! It's amazing how much we can get done when we just get down to it! Heather x

  7. Hello Annette!!! And what about your great day? I hope it was exciting, because your work is really lovely! Jolana


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