
Saturday, November 24, 2012

A cozy home project

Saturday mornings are slow in my home. Long TV mornings for the kids, me blogging and making weekend breakfast like pancakes or French toast or scones or porridge. Saturday mornings are very calm and nice, homey and cuddly around here.

Yesterday was surprisingly spent at home as my oldest caught a stomach bug and I had to rush back home form work just when I got there. I took my chance to clean. I have neglected the house for weeks and weeks and weeks.... If not months. I did a real "spring clean". Wiping everything down, vacuuming all the dusty shelves, lists, spider webs (yes we have  a lot of those in every corner of the roof). Afterwards I felt inspired to really make a list of things I need to make, do or buy to make my home even more cozy than it is. I am settling down. Finally I have decided to plant myself somewhere.

You see I am a rootless soul. Have always been. I have never settled anywhere. I am the kind of person who waits for a change to happen, not the one who makes the change happen... We all have our demons right... I am starting to MAKE things happen at the age of 43. It is never to late.

So this morning when everything was sparkling clean and I could see all the potential, I started to look around. Seeing opportunities of what this place can be. Taking pictures and suddenly I felt that this really is a cozy home already. I love seeing how my creations are used in real life everyday and how they are the cheering up this home.

So on my list for this room, our living room which we use a lot I have written down this:

- Paint the window sills white as I planned too when I put them up 2 years ago
- Make a cover and hide that ugly heater underneath the window sill.
- Put up the curtain pole that fell down 3 years ago and make a cute skirt curtain.
- Look for old wall lamps on markets and in thrift stores to put above the sofa in the corner and on each side of the piano
- Make 4 different seasonal quilts to hang on the wall above the sofa.
- Find odd frames in markets and frame more family pictures and make a proper family wall
- Make even more pillows to alternate depending on season and mood.
- Paint the built in shelf above the piano white and declutter, maybe show off my blue china there.

This is a plan. A new project. It might take a year or it might take 2 weeks. I am not sure. But I thought that if I share this project of mine here in Blogland I might feel more pushed to really MAKE these changes. Because it is fun to share with you here. It encourages me. Blogland is a fantastic place in so many ways isn't it.

Well, now I am off making pancakes. And later we will go out shopping something small for my darling boy. You see he had ZERO errors on his dictée (writing test) yesterday for the first time. That is big for a boy who struggles a bit in school. And that needs to be celebrated of course.

Happy Saturday everyone. And let me remind you about my Christmas Pillow Give Away. You can enter up until the 2nd of December.



  1. you have a beautiful home Annette! It looks so clean and spacious! and that couch fits all of you! nice to see your crafts dotted around. A list is good but even so it's very nice now. I expect it will look lovely with your xmas tree there too. have a good weekend, Heather x

  2. Quantas coisinhas lindas vi por aqui! Adorei! Ótimo fim, de semana, beijos,chica

  3. Great home projects! What nice big rooms you have! Your living-room looks as big as my whole apartment!!
    Have a lovely snug weekend.

  4. Congrats to your clever boy!!
    enjoy your day....
    Daisy x

  5. so happy for your boy!!!! he reminds me someone else in my family, too...;oD
    xxx, happy weekend, Ale

  6. HiHi so much similarity to our little life :)
    We have finally settled after moving so many times and decided to renovate our rented home - it feels so much better now! And we had talks with the teachers yesterday - they are happy with how our kids develop - which wasn't like that for a long time - sigh! I like your living room cosyness already and whish you so much energy for your project!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks for sharing your thoughts, it always touches me! simone

  7. Your home is so cosy and yet so airy and free. Such good ideas too

  8. I love your living room - it's so spacious and cozy. And I absolutely love the amount of crochet items around. Again when i see a totally white crochet cushion I think I need to make one too.

  9. As I was looking at your photos before I read your words, I was thinking what a beautiful cozy home you have. It looks inviting and comfortable, just the way I like a home to be. Sorry your oldest is under the weather. Your projects will make you feel even better about the lovely space you have created.

  10. Your living room looks beautiful! So cozy, friendly and inviting. I love all the homemade touches everywhere.

  11. As you said "this really is a cozy home" and I liked every single photo of this post. I hope you will finish your project as soon as possible.
    By the way, I'm so happy for your son. You most be proud of him:)
    Good luck!

  12. Hello Annette! I have to say, that your living room is really big and very light. I like your sewed and croched quilts and other hand made accessory... it is really cozy! And I very like your project about "family wall" with family pictures. It is so nice idea! So, have many opportunities to put your plan in practice! Have a creative weekend! Jolana

  13. I am so happy you are starting to feel at peace and settled you home is cozy, homely, enjoy making the changes! :)

  14. Oh we are so alike.
    Ditto everything.
    Now we have more space all the things that have been stored are finding homes, I also love how my creations are in use too.
    I am a list maker!
    Today I got my husband to put up lots of stuff in the house, it now feels more homely :)

  15. I understand what you say about rootlessness. I was left homeless at 19 by my parents and despite marrying (then later divorcing) and having a baby I never had any feeling of permanence about anyhere I was living. That was because I invariably had to move and usually I knew that but didn't know when. As nowhere I lived belonged to me and as I had and still have no money it made no sense to try to make a home (any way when I did sometimes try the cushions I made were all messed up by the time I had the money to think about a throw to match).

    There has been so much change and upheaval in my life that the last thing I want is to court it. I sit and wait for it to happen and happen it does. There is a total loss of control over my own destiny and that isn't a good thing. I drift about on the sea of life like so much flotsam and jetsom. Sometimes good things roll up but mostly they don't. I soon will be out of this flat but I don't know when or how but I know I must go. It can be terrifying which leaves no energy to spare on improving your life and taking control where you can.

    Sometimes I would like to make my own positive change but I never had a chance to find out how as any plans would be kicked up in the air by outside forces.

    That is just how my life has worked. No roots and no security.

  16. Your home is so warm cozy and inviting. Enjoy your day!


  17. what a beautiful house.
    Looking forward to seeing those projects develop.

  18. You have a lovely home! We are looking to sell our home in the next year or 2 - it's too big for us now. I still have many cleaning and updating projects to complete here as well. And I'm looking forward to making our next place as cozy as I can!

  19. I have told my husband that in January we will go around the house and make a list. Last year we moved in and this year have done sooooo much, but we just need to do those little bits that niggle. E.G. replace toilet seat, new curtains for living room, fix light in spare room! List are so good!x


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