
Thursday, November 1, 2012

When overwhelmed - a recipe

I am overwhelmed. My creative life has been so very intense lately. And fun, I should add. But I am feeling overwhelmed and drained from energy. So, what to do when overwhelmed and still having TONS on your To-Do-List? Well, this is my recipe.

1. Take  a deep breath, get dressed, leave the mess and go outside no matter rain or shine.

2. Observe the natural beauty around you.

2. Listen to nature and hold your head up high so you can see your surroundings while walking.

3. Meet with an animal. See what they do. When they are hungry they eat. When they are tired they rest... You seldom see a cow running around in circles unless she is a mad cow. :D

4. Sit down on a bench, rock, tree stump and relax for a moment. Just be silent. Just be still.

5. Kick around in some gorgeous autumn leaves and breath with an open mouth while walking briskly uphill.

6. Walk in open fields and feel the wind tossing your hair and rubbing your cheeks. Add some fabulous mountain views to it and you could walk here forever.

7. Trees and long narrow roads are great for soothing an overwhelmed soul.

8. Go to bed early with your current crochet WiP for some color therapy. Work a few stitches before your eyes get drowsy. Put earplugs in and have sweet dreams.

This is exactly what works best for me. What works for you?



  1. TACK!!!

    Helt plötsligt tog du mig tillbaka till höstarna för...28 år sen. När vi en solig lördag samlades hos farmor och farfar att räfsa löv (dom vuxna iaf) i deras gigantiska trädgård. Jag och mina kusiner (14st) hoppade runt bland löven som lassades upp efterhand på traktorsläpet. Det var småkyligt, fuktigt, luktade höst och man visste att nästa gång vi samlades - då var det JULAFTON.

    Önskar dig en härlig dag!

  2. I think this is a perfect recipe!! I hope you are feeling refreshed!

  3. Ååååh så skönt det ser ut. För att få se sådana vyer och kor på bete får jag åka flera mil. Jag bor mitt i Stockholm och får nöja mig med någon närbelägen park eller åka ut till Djurgården.

  4. That woeks for me to. I love to go out walking. It clears my head as Im such a worrier at times. I too have lots of craft projects and desperately want to finish them I just get pre occuppied with other stuff. Great post.

  5. Love the scenery. I wish I could go for a walk in a meadow. I live in the city so the best place to go for a walk is the city park. No cows there but I could watch squirrels chasing each other :)

  6. Hi Annette, I remember being back in Switzerland the first time and seeing the cows with bells on coming down from the was my Heidi moment..your post brought it all back to the fresh clean smell when you are able to get outside..❤

  7. Very good thoughts and advice. I tend to isolate myself, which probably does not help a thing.
    Love your pictures and your positive outlook.

  8. Good idea! I've been feeling like a mad cow lately. Need to go for a walk!

  9. Hi Annette, it sure is beautiful where you live. A walk is always a good thing. It's great you know what you need to do to restore the balance, you have been on a creative roll! I love your christmas pillows the material is gorgeous and fun. Heather x

  10. A good thoughtful read while lying comfortably on my bed with my shoes off and music gently playing..usually brings me back to a state of peacefulness.

  11. So glad I looked at your blog today Annette. I often feel overwhelmed and today is definitely one of those days. I'm currently going into a tailspin, trying to control more, trying to complete more, trying to get it all in order and believe it or not I'm currently on a week's holiday!!! I know the effect of the above strategy is to feel more overwhelmed yet I carry on doing the same thing time and time again. So, thank you for sharing something really honest and bringing me down to earth.
    I agree with you that walking and fresh air are perfect for a moment of serenity. If you're by the sea a few moments watching the waves can be very relaxing. The most helpful is no technology, no TV, social media, phones etc. Easy to write, hard to do!

  12. We should all take the time to stop, look around and be grateful. Thank you for the reminder.

  13. going outside always does the trick - for me too. thank you for the inspiration, it is about time I crawl away from the computer and go out there for some much needed fresh air indeed.


  14. Sitting by the wood stove ... reading books by Gladys Taber in the bubble bath with a spot of tea. Your ideas are all fine! Especially getting outside in the fresh air. I popped over from Down to Earth. You have a lovely creative blog.


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