
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

When things happen that shouldn't happen...

It is greyish with a glimpse of blue behind those ugly clouds... The beautiful snow that came Sunday is almost all gone.

I am sweeping the leaves from my Wisteria at the front of my house. It is almost bare naked now. In winter the plowing truck throw all the snow in the fountain to melt, and if it is full of leaves it will clog up the drain. Madame Debonneville told me that when we moved in 5 years ago.

I am slowly walking my way to the back of the house to empty my bucket in the compost. We built a compost here behind the shed the same year we moved in. Madame Debonneville suggested we do so, as gardening produces lots of compost and it would save us numerous trips to the "Decheterie". She was right of course.

For a good 60 years she has been growing her own vegetables here, Madame Debonneville. She has taught us so much, helped us when plants been attacked by slugs or pests, showing us how to plant seeds the best, when and where. How to rake the beds, harvest fruits from their plants. Without Madame Debonneville we wouldn't have this beautiful garden and be able to grow our own vegetables as good as we do.

The house is old, built sometime in the 1750's. We are the first family to live here that is not a Debonneville family. We feel very special and lucky to have been chosen to take care of this beautiful place.

Madame Debonneville loves us and we love her. She is a part of our family, an old gracious lady with 86 years behind her. She scrubs the fountain, turns the soil, picks the walnuts from the trees and the apples off the ground. She chats with us and the kids, takes care of Charlie, the cat, when we are on vacation.

Madame Debonneville got hit by a car Sunday when on her daily walk around the village. She is in hospital and we don't really know what is going to happen. Some stupid idiot (sorry for my vocabulary) decided to drive his car with summer tires on in the first big snow storm of the year, lost control of his vehicle and BOOM! She flew a good 10 meters like a projectile her family says. She is bruised but have no fractures although she has hurt her cord and her head. I am devastated. I am sad. I can't really see the blue glimpses in the sky today. For me it is all grey... I am not religious but I will pray my way. I will pray for our dear and loved Madame Debonneville to soon get better and laugh with us again. Things like this should not happen...



  1. So sorry to hear this I will pray for her and for you!!

  2. Oh no. Hope she recovers soon.

  3. What a shocking thing to happen. I can see that you care a lot about this lady. I know what it is to befriend an elder lady. I had such a friend and unfortunately lost her this year, she was very special. Now I and others take care of the friend that she lived with and make sure we visit her and take her dog out for walks, she is a lovely lady of 86. The elderly are precious and have much to share with us if we give them that time. It sounds like you have a very special and respectful friendship with each other and I hope very much that Mrs Debonneville will recover very soon. I am sure with your love, support and yes prayers that she will. I am thinking of you and especially Mrs Deboneville, and hoping that she will be fit and well very soon.

    Take care.

  4. Dear Anonymous
    Thank you for your encouraging words and support. it is highly appreciated and warms my heart.

  5. Que triste isso! Que tudo fique bem! beijos,chica

  6. Poor Madame Debonneville. I hope that she will heal and be able to enjoy life again. One wonders why the sweetest people have to have bad things happen to them. Sending postive thoughts her way.

  7. oh I hope Madame Debonneville recovers. We all need a Madame Debonneville and it sounds like she needs you. I hope for the best, Heather x

  8. Oh, it is sooo sad situation :-( I hope, your old friend will be soon in good condition again! Jolana

  9. Oh how horrific, she sounds so lovely and full of Grace. My thoughts and prayers are with you and this lovely woman. Praying is good, you don't have to be a woman of Faith.
    Hugs to you,

  10. hi annette.!I can imagine how sad you are,iam not a religious person either,but i belive in pray .from bottom of my heart I pray for this nice lady ,hope she be fine and comes home from hospital&this christmas you all be together ,xo zohreh

  11. I am so sorry (and upset), I hope she will get better!

    Love, Anu

  12. What a special friend this lovely old lady is for all your family Annette. No wonder you are devastated.
    I really hope she makes a full recovery.
    Thinking of you
    Jacquie x

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your friend Annette! Please know she is in my thoughts & prayers!

    I work in an elder care facility and we have a dear lady who turned 105 yrs old this past Saturday!

    When you see your friend again, give her a huggle from all of us!

  14. Prayers for your dear, sweet friend. xoxo Debbie

  15. So sorry to hear about this accident....I hope that Mme Debonneville recovers soon,
    xxx Alessandra

  16. So sorry to hear about this sweet lady! Will keep her in my prayers!! xo Heather

  17. What a terrible accident..and worse because it was preventable. I hope the old lady recovers well. It must have been an awful shock to all her family as well.

  18. Dear Annette!
    Oh, how sad this is! It makes me sad and also angy, because it was an preventable accident! I wish she will get back home and live here happy live again soon! My thoughts are with her and with you!

  19. Oh my how horrible! I do hope Mme Debonneville is going to fully recover.
    It's been snowing here for the last few days. Lots of unprepared people, despite a very precise weather forcast, skidding everywhere and driving as fast as they would in the summer time!

  20. Oh no poor Madame Debonneville, sending her best wishes.
    She sounds like the loveliest lady, and what a great name.
    Love your gorgeous cat beautiful.

  21. oh forgot to add, I chopped down our wisteria, because I was so fed up with the leaves in my kitchen!!

  22. What an awful thing to happen. Poor lady - I will also pray in my own way for her recovery. It is so special to be able to have close relationships with older people. They have so much to offer and yet are often dismissed by society (well certainly ours in the UK). I am sure your love for her will help her at this time. xxx

  23. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet old lady. I'm thinking of my lovely grandmother (89)... Madame Debonneville is a very strong lady but she needs your love and your presence to be better. I hope she will recover soon.

    Sincerely thinking of your friend and you.

  24. What a terrible thing to happen and how awful you must all feel about it. I do hope that she makes a good recovery. Sending best wishes to you both.

    S x

  25. Oh no!! I am praying for her. I am so sorry!! Trish xo


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