
Sunday, January 6, 2013

About making a quilt

I am working on a new quilt and with Instagram being my newest addiction (next to hooking, sewing and indulging in fabric and yarn and anything and everything crafty!!!), I have recorded my process in a step by step way that I thought would be fun to share. I know that many of you visit me for my crochet and initially I guess this was more of a crochet blog than a sewing blog, but lately I seem to spend more and more time by the sewing machine than with my hook.

Don't get me wrong. I ADORE crochet. But since I developed my crochet elbow over 2 years ago, I just can't do crochet marathons anymore. Nowadays I spend short sessions crocheting and long sessions sewing instead. And maybe some of you magnificent crochet-maniacs do carry around a secret dream of making a quilt one day but don't know where to start. Maybe you, like me before I made my first Scrappy Doll Quilt in 2010, are totally intimidated by the process of making a quilt. Pssssssst - come closer............................... I want to whisper something in you ear:

It is so easy!!!

Seriously!!! I first pick my fabric. This time I wanted to use fabric from my stash. I always go with my gut feeling when I choose and sometimes I change my mind further into the project and that is okay. There are rules (of course...), and I love to NOT follow rules... I love breaking boundaries when crafting. Spice it up. Make it unpredictable. Don't you?

After picking my fabric I cut my pieces. I am not a big fan of cutting. I find it fussy and time consuming. On big projects I hardly ever cut all pieces at ones. I do it as I go. A little at a time.

Now the fun starts. The design wall. I mix and match, move around and experiment with my pieces. When I find a design I like I ALWAYS take a picture. In my house you never know when the kids decide to play monsters and come swishing by my design wall and dragging all the pieces down...

And today I have come to the piecing part. Sewing the pieces together. One by one I sew them together, pressing every seem carefully... This part is magical to me. If I had doubts when being at the design wall stage I usually feel happily surprised when piecing my quilt. It almost always turns out better than I first imagined.

Looking at this latest quilt project of mine makes me want to have patchwork curtains in my home... Wouldn't that be quite nice? Another day I 'll share the finishing touch of making this quilt. Until then read more about this at Diary of a Quilter, Amy has a GREAT beginners How To Make A Quilt Tutorial that will take away any fear you might have left. And then dear crochet friends - Just Do It! You won't regret it.

PS I should warn you that making quilts are highly addictive, just like crochet. But it is great to have such a healthy addiction... :D Enjoy!



  1. Good evening Annette, Happy New Year to you.
    You are right, quilting is certainly addictive. I am currently making a quilt for my daughter, each section is a hand quilted heart, I now have to sew them all together, but as you say, that is the magical part, when the quilt starts coming alive. Have a lovely evening. Best Wishes Daphne

  2. Vi kviltare brukar säga: Har man blivit biten av quiltbacillen så finns det inget botemedel - som tur är.
    Just nu stickar jag tvåfärgade vantar men när sista tummen är klar så ska jag ge mig in i syrummet igen och se vad jag kan hitta på av bara scraps.

    1. Det uttrycket ska skrivas ned och sättas upp på väggen. Fint quote!

  3. I am not a quilter, but I sure love to see them. I think it is like painting with fabric, so fun.
    Have a great week,

  4. Så fargerikt og herlig! =) Gleder meg til å se det ferdig.
    God natt fra Tone =)

  5. Your new quilt looks pretty Annette. Great way to start the New Year!

    1. Thanks Lynne! No better way to start the year with some crafty fun. :D

  6. I thought you were making a curtain! :-) It would have llook lovely, but the blanket will surely be special. You mae me want to sort my fabrics and get going with something.
    We just returned after a jaunt to the snow in the ountains nerby your was lovely. I am glad that I don't have to do all that shoveling everyday!

    1. Dear Stel
      Why didn't you give me a shout!!!??? I might not have been to far away for a coffee... or a glass of wine.

  7. hehe we are like peas in a pod.
    I can raise your crochet elbow with a crochet wrist and a epp shoulder!!
    Patchwork curtains do it for me Annette.
    ps. I feel a ragrug back coming on already lol!

    1. Okay, I consider myself beaten... You win you little... green pea! Ha ha ha!

  8. Ooooo....I love your layout! I began a new granny square afghan yesterday (and totally frogged it after a couple of hours! *hrumpff!*

    Today, I should begin cutting squares for my next quilt! You are right! It is good to mix the crafts up a bit!

  9. It's true, I haven't made a quilt yet but I might! infact it's probably just a matter of time!! I think I need to get a cutting mat and rotary cutter first perhaps. happy making, Heather x

    1. Start with somethings small. A doll quilt. A place mat. A pot holder. Just to give it a go. for those project you hardly need a rotary cutter but I have to admit it is one of my favorite tools. Good luck!

  10. I thought it was a patchwork curtain at first too! :) I love the fabrics you chose. I love to quilt and pick out fabrics. I enjoy sewing/quilting and crochet/knitting. For me sewing and quilting are great earlier in the day when I have a lot of energy since I will be sitting, standing, walking to the ironing board, etc and I like to knit/crochet curled up on the couch later in the day when I have less energy. I love that you blog about a variety of your crafts plus your family and life in Switzerland. I am looking forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  11. Wow, lovely fabrics!!! And WIP looks really great!! I can´t start to make a new quilt. At first I have to finish my WIP star quilt (but maybe some little project like a doll quilt according to inspiration from your blog) :)

    Have a lovely time! Jolana

  12. Your post made me smile ... we have only just met in this wonderful world we share of fb IG and blogland and we are both in similar situations! I used to be known for my sewing - patchwork, quilts, free motion machine embroidery etc and had a huge following on fb and my blog. But this last year I have become a crochet addict and ditched my sewing machine for a hook!
    Heather x

  13. I love your fabric selection!!

    Happy New Year, Annette!

    Beata xxx


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