
Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy is the word of the day

Happiness is when in the middle of all the mess and clutter in my home I suddenly see this, and I have to stop my "picking-up-things" tour for a moment. I drop everything I have on my hands and just sit down and stare for a moment... Aaaaaaahhhhhhh...

Emmy Bo, who is playing with her Pet Shops to the left outside this photo (that is where the REAL mess appears... believe me you don't want to see THAT...) turns around and wonders: "Mama, why are you sitting on the floor staring at your blankets?" Because it makes me happy. That is why a mother of three in the age of 40+ sits on the floor and takes pictures of a bunch of home made quilts and crochet blankets... Happy is the word of the day. And anyone non crafty would probably think I am ready to check in to a madhouse... But not you, right? You totally are with me on this one, aren't you?


Addition to post: Ha ha ha! I love you all! I had such a blast reading all the comments on this post. Thank you darlings. I guess I touched a soft spot! ♥ ♥ ♥

PS. I am replying directly to your posts now a days.
Annette ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Absolutely, totally with you - a very happy pile of creativity indeed :)

  2. yes,I'm totaly agree with you.xox,zohreh

  3. Yup! Totally with you on this one. I just love drinking in all the colours of crochet goodness too and have new plans when I put all the Christmas stuff away this coming weekend!

  4. Not in the slightest be mad, I'd do the same......then again most of those who know me think I'm loopy! Enjoy those wonderful blankets! :) x

  5. You are not crazy! I can relate to your feeling :-)

  6. Totally........what a beautiful pile of crafted loveliness.

  7. Littlest Pet Shops all over the place here too. Love your Gypsy blanket. I am getting closer to finishing my daughters Wool Eater but it is so hot and humid here at the moment, not conducive to crochet at all.

  8. I'm totally with you, yes ! I'm full of happiness when I see my boys wrapped in their blankets, when I see my pillows on the chairs or sofa... These colors make my happy. A simple joy, no ?

  9. Concordo.
    É pura felicidade olhar para aquilo que nos dá prazer.
    Um Beijo

  10. I so am! My 13 year old thinks I am completely mad when I take photos of my creations. However I never shout at my blankets, I always smile, so why not take time out to reflect on them. Take care. Chelx

    1. Ha ha ha! I never shout at my blankets either! THAT would look kind of nuts wouldn't it?
      Annette ♥♥♥

  11. Jag förstår precis vad du menar.
    Hoppas du får många Aaaahhhh under året.

    God fortsättning.


    1. Tjing Wivi!
      Jag ska samla på mig så många Aaaaahhh som det bara går varenda dag framöver. :D
      Annette ♥♥♥

  12. I am so with you. I would have to do the same thing. And I consider myself really lucky to be made happy so easily. Happy New Year!

  13. Yes! There is nothing quite so lovely as a pile of handmade blankets! :)

  14. Yep, I do understand you....!!!
    Lovely picture!

  15. Nope, this is all very normal in my household!
    I am happy too

    1. Says one Cuckoo nest intern to another! ;) Twink. Ha ha ha!
      Annette ♥♥♥

  16. Hola Annette,feliz año !!!La persona sabia encuentra felicidad en las cosas simples de la vida,y que mas hermoso que ser feliz?
    Felicitaciones por todos tus trabajos!!
    Un cariño,Dios te bendiga

  17. I am so with you Annette! And my pile isn't nearly as large as yours... yet *grin* But boy oh boy - is that pile going to grow in 2013!

  18. Totally with you! I like to cuddle and fold and unfold my handmade blanket. I have only recently started to crochet and have given two big blankets as gifts so currently I only have one to enjoy but I am so pleased with it that it makes me smile just to look at it. The mad people are those who don't see beauty in every day things. xxx

    1. Hi Lily,
      I will happily steel that line from you:
      "The mad people are those who don't see beauty in every day things."
      So, I am not nuts after all. Phew!
      Annette ♥♥♥

  19. Yes, admiring wonderful hand-made blankets and quilts is just slightly more exhilarating than digging through a box of soft, colorful yarn! Nothing strange about that!!!

  20. I am totally into this one. Sometimes I just go sit by all my yarn, it makes me happy and calms me down, it opens the world of possibilities up. Ah yarn + blankets = Happy.

  21. Pfff, that fact that you even ask if I agree with you! Ha! Only I don't have kids that look at me liks I am a loon, though my husband takes that task quite seriously ;-)

    1. Ha ha ha! I think I am actually more bothered by my husbands raising eye brows than my kids innocent comments when it happens. At least they know this is Mama's happy play while the husband thinks his wife has gone completely nuts and might wonder why on earth he married this woman. :D
      Annette ♥♥♥

  22. Haha that totally makes sense to me and I do that kind of thing often, after cleaning or something. I stop for a moment and smile and feel happy. My husband just gets it now but I always think most people would probably think I'm nuts. It's so lovely in this bloggy world to find that there are other people like you. Maybe we are nuts but then maybe it's the rest of the world and not us!!

  23. hihihi..myślę,że aby nie zwariować to właśnie takie chwile są nam potrzebne:))))a kolory dodaja tylko szczęścia:))

  24. Love the picture of the crocheted blankets and quilts, nothing say love than that.

  25. Your loopy, but in a really nice kind of way. Love what you do.

  26. What not to be happy about gazing at that pile of colourfulness that you've created? With you all the way!!Such satisfaction!
    happy new year Annette!!!

  27. with you indeed. fabric and wool mess is the only mess I actually like having in the house! If my husband had an equally messy hobby it would probably drive me bonkers!

  28. So with you. I love these moments too!

    S x


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