
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Love what you make - a quilt VOILA!

Do you fall in love with projects you are supposed to give away? Well, I do. Almost always. That is a good sign, right?

I sometimes joke and say: "I am my greatest fan!", which in a way is true. Actually my husband invented the expression years ago when he in the most modest way could shout out: "Darn, that was a great meal. I should cook for a living so good I am." Now, my husband is a top shot chef. The best you can get. Seriously. He is top top top (me bragging a bit here...). And I kind of like the self confidence in this phrase as it isn't really bragging or showing off, just a modest but straight forward twinkle way of saying "I am proud of myself and what I do and hope you like it too." So to build self confidence - I am my greatest fan!!! Do you tell yourself this too?

I love all my quilts. Even the green and black one I made in the beginning of my quilt making adventure and that I wasn't to sure about. Now looking back at it I think it is awesome. When this quilt was finished I just had to take a "family picture" of all my latest quilts together before I gave away this one... It is a nice happy picture. I will miss this quilt. Ann-Louise's Quilt.

I used fabric from my own stash and some fabric I was given from another crafty colleague of mine. The color theme is very calm but warm. Timeless. New prints mixed with old in simple squares, 4 square blocks of 6 inch squares and larger 11,5 inch squares. 

For the f
irst time I have used sashing and I really like how it makes the blocks pop out and how it gives this quilt a little more of a modern twist. The quilting was simple. Straight lines in the sashing and the border. The lines are a bit wobbly at places, which I like. It makes the quilt perfect in its imperfection. It gives it personality, life.

This quilt was given to my colleague Ann-Louise who was laid off before Christmas after working 14 years in the company,  and it makes me very happy to know it will stay in Ann Louise's home for years to come and keep her warm on chilly evenings.

Thanks for popping in. And thanks for digging my stuff. Hold on now, my ego might get to big. Bigger than my head. Ha ha ha! Have a lovely day.



  1. I never ever made a quilt in my life, but reading your lovely posts about quilts,maybe I will take the plunge, and dive in!!
    Greetings Carol

  2. You certainly should be proud of it - it is gorgeous! I love the mix of colours and patterns.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. love it!!! I really like the floral bits!!!!
    xxx Ale

  4. It looks amazing ! You are the reason I want to make a quilt myself.

    Your friend will be very happy with this quilt, it is gorgeous !

  5. Kvilten är jättehärlig så du har all anledning av sträcka på dig.
    Jag har inte sytt så många täcken, det är bara barnbarnen som fått varsitt babytäcke och ett större och två har jag kvar själv. Jag syr mest kuddar, dukar och bonader - och nessar och kassar :-)

  6. Beautiful quilt. I also used sashing last year on my picnic quilt and love the effect xx

  7. Ooooh no, stroke the ego, I would :-)
    This quilt is beautiful!

  8. Só podes te orgulhar. São lindos!! beijos,chica

  9. Oooo I love it!! I'm just starting out with quilting and for my first big project I want to make a quilt that has sashing and I was not sure how to quilt it (I didn't think I could manage the squiggly wiiggly lines in the pattern) but your quilting looks great and I think I could do that with wobbly lines and all ;) xx

  10. "I am my greatest fan" - I need to remember this! ;)
    The quilt looks great, I think it is such a wonderful present!
    I didn't see your green and black quilt, so I followed the link. Wow. It's fabulous! I feel that I need to make a quilt too!

  11. Its a really gorgeous quilt Annette, you'll just have to make another!

  12. I would love to try it some day, they look so cute but I haven't done it before so....I need to learn how to do it first :)

    Have a great day!

    Lluisa x

  13. Faye Perdita Shangri laFebruary 28, 2013 at 2:20 PM

    Well done you. I think it is good to take ownership of our talents and be pleased and happy about them. Seeing people happy and excited about their creations is fun and inspiring, so carry on! Feeling good about what we do is healthy and a joyful way to be.It's an entirely different thing to boasting, and well false modesty (as many people show instead) is awful.

    Love all your quilts, the sashing on this one is lovely and your colours are great. I would certainly want to keep it too - what a lovely gift for your friend, something indeed to treasure. I would cry if I were given such a thing! I've yet to amass enough fabric for a quilt plus I will be starting up my own shop soon selling other sewn things, so it unlikely I will get one any time soon, if ever :( (it's long been an ambition of mine though).

    I have borrowed my 'name' from a dog who was called this. I think it had a short name for every day though!
    Enjoy your day.

  14. Hi Anette! I'm started a interntionel snailmail activity in my blog. This activity only for blogger of blogspot. Are you want to join? If you want join, ıt' here;

    Love from İstanbul in Turkey!!! ;)

  15. Simply beautiful :-) It looks so soft and snuggly. Be proud of what you made; healthy confidence is a wonderful thing.

  16. I think it is a good sign if you love something so much you don't want to part with it! In fact, when I make things, I worry about giving them away if I DON'T love them - makes we worry that they are not good enough! Even though it is usually just because someone has asked for something that is not quite to my taste.
    Your quilt is gorgeous, I'm sure it will be very well loved :)I also had a peek back at your green and black quilt - I LOVE it! Gorgeous fabrics!

  17. Hello Anette! Your new quilt is wonderful!!! I love fabric which you used... so lovely!!! Jolana

  18. Oh another gorgeous quilt! I know your friend will adore it!

  19. It really is stunning! I'd be my own best fan if I made this. I absolutely love the colours AND the design. You really have to give it away??? Have a great weekend! Mel x

  20. Vilket fint täcke. En dag hoppas jag att jag också får till något större än en fyra rutors lavendelpåse... Men egentligen tittar jag in för att tacka för mönstret till Daisy Square. Sötaste rutan som blev en filt till svärmor!

  21. This is GREAT, beautiful!!!!

  22. I love this quilt. I never made one, but you inspire me to want to learn. I love all the beautiful stuff that you create! The crochet is to die for!
    Any tips, tut on making the quilt?
    Thanks so much for sharing all your gorgeous work! Xoxo



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