
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sleeping habits or lack of...

"Okay, from now on EVERYBODY is sleeping in their own room!", I blurt out loudly while collecting dirty clothes from the floor, throwing cuddly penguins and tigers onto pillows... My kids stare at me, Nelly Bo with a worried look on her face, Luca Bo falls into a whine:
"But whyyyyyyy???..."
"Well, because everyone has their own room to sleep in and you need a GOOD nights  sleep. On the weekend you can have sleep over and sleep in Nelly Bo's room all together...???". I try to sound nice and firm at the same time to convince these kids that they can give up discussing this right now because Mama won't give in... Right... Trying to...
"And also it gets to much to have everyone sleep in here, hot and stuffy..." I continue but not feeling so convincing anymore as this they just show a funny face to and doesn't get at all...
"But Mama." Emmy Bo is jumping in to the discussion now looking at me with her pepper black eyes and with her curly blond hair all over the place looking all wild.
"Yes my love..."
"You and Papa sleep together all the time. You never sleep alone. That is not fare."
Check mate. The little one gave the last knock out punch, to clever for her age - again. What can I say?

We sleep collectively at times, we have extra beds hidden behind my closet and underneath our bed in need. They can be dragged out in a minute at night. My big girl is going through a phase of not being able to fall asleep alone, and if she doesn't end up in our bedroom a sibling sleeps next to her in her own room. Most of the times. We are trying to figure it out, the fear of small noises, bad thoughts, things seen on TV or stories that pop up in her mind that someone told at school. It is not easy. For her it is reality. She is scared. For real. So for now we don't really have any sleeping habits... It will pass and if this is what it takes to give comfort and unconditional love to my children I will let them do this. One day I will think back of this and miss it.



  1. Hi Annette, your extra mattresses are a great idea, easy to pull out when needed and everyone sleeps comfortably!...glad to hear your friend looks like making a good recovery, Heather x

  2. I wish I was your child!!!! When I was young we used to sleep on the floor all together when there was a storm going on. My mum was extremely afraid of stormy winds; It was a lot of fun !!!

  3. Lovely post. My daughter slept in our room until she was five and after that still wanted me with her for another two or three years. She's thirteen now and sleeps fine on her own and, you're right, I miss her. xxx

  4. Sweet. My two boys (5 and 9) fall asleep in my bed every night after story time. They won't do it until they're 30, so for now I love it.

  5. Just lovely...I like the way you express yourself as a mum, nice :)

    Lluisa x

  6. All my children have fallen asleep with me at various of their lives - My youngest still likes me to lie with him until he drops off (he is three) I love it, we have stories and cuddles then sleep. they grow up so quickly I cherish this time when they are small

  7. That brings back memories. For years we had a small mattress beside our bed. When my husband worked night shift, I would have one in the "little bed" and two in my bed. We all loved it. They eventually grow out of it, but I do still occasionally have one of the younger ones with me.

  8. Mine kept doing that and then I found they were scared being the first rooms at the top of the stairs. A rearrangement and all is fine now (mind you they are teenagers now!). All will be well soon and then you will miss them. Childhood is so short these days. Take care. Chel

  9. I remember those days (grin!) My hubby used to joke that he never knew who he was going to wake up next to in the morning. I used to 'give up' and take my blanket and trade beds with (pick a kid!) Hmmm....the mattresses on the floor would have been a brilliant idea - if we wouldn't trip over them in the middle of the night making a bathroom run (wink!)
    You are correct... this too shall pass!

  10. Hej. Jättefin blogg du har! Här finns mycket inspiration, både när det gäller virkning, lappteknik och annat. På min blogg visar jag nu i senaste inlägget en tröja virkad efter din (svenska) beskrivning. Ha det så bra och lycka till med vårens projekt!

  11. Dear Annette, I am so happy to see your bedroom :) Our children sleep in their rooms, but during the night they one by one come to us :) I like it, it is sooo nice to snuggle with them (although our bed become smaller thanks to them).
    Have a wonderful day! Jolana

  12. You do what you have to do...that's unconditional love!

  13. Sweet sleepy kids in your photos. It would seem that habits have been formed and that your children are not taking your half-hearted protestations seriously! I wonder why? LOL!

  14. Oh I'm so glad our home isn't the only one like this!! I just keep quiet when my friends speak of strictness in the sleeping department. Yes, we all need our sleep but I cannot gain it at the cost of a frantic child or pain stricken face. It's like holding a baby - you can only do it for so long anyway. You are right - these will be the fond memories we treasure. There's plenty of time for sleeping when we're old! J9 x

  15. This was normal for us when our children were young! Even with teenagers they still sleep in here occasionally. It is just life. I remember being scared on my own at night and how awful it was, so we usually play musical bed, sleep where you can!

  16. Ha ha ha, sá ser det ut hos mej med.
    Det är sá dumt med várt hus att Naia har sitt rum där nere och vi där uppe. Hon har ocksá perioder dá hon inte kan sova för hon är rädd för nágot vilket allt som oftast slutade med att hon kom in i vár säng och vi vaknade med ont i hela kroppen.
    Jag har alltid tänkt att det inte är riktigt schysst att hon ska sova ensam medans vi vuxna alltid sover tillsammans, ingen av oss är ju mörkrädda.
    I sommras sov jag hos henne för det är sá väldigt mycket svalare i hennes rum och nu i vinter har jag lagt en madrass i várt sovrum för det är sá kallt där nere. Inte ska hon väl ligga i kylan och vara mörkrädd heller.
    Tids nog vill hon inte sova hos oss.
    Sov gott!

  17. You are a glorious Mother, letting them figure it out is perfect. Pretty soon they will get older and need alone time, their own space, but now it time to be together, so that the scarey things don't get out of control in their thoughts.

  18. Just love the colours of the yarns...they are absolutely gorgeous.


  19. Love this , reminds me so much of my house. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that gives into Iittle night time visitors ;)
    Found u through the decor8 blog boss course, I'm on it too. Lovely to find your gorgeous blog :)

  20. Oh, my kids were like that and my youngest will be 18 this May. She'll still throw a pillow and some blankets on our floor at times. I think when they're going through a time they don't want to be alone and they're made to stay alone, it only enhances that fear or trouble in their minds. They grow up way too fast and when they're grown parents will wish for that time they wanted us to be their safety zone. :)


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