
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This and that...

It feels good to know I am not the only mother stretching the boundaries on sleeping habits and rules. Baukje told me my post brought back childhood memories of sleeping in her moms bedroom during storms... Happy memories... I really hope I am building fond and warm memories for my children too. There will be a day when they don't want to even be around me anymore... This is a phase. It will pass. It always does. Thank you so much for sharing your thought on the issue.

We spent last week in the mountains. One last sunny weekend on the hill. We were so lucky with the weather again. Fantastic!!! But now we are all done. No more skiing. Now we long for warmer weather and make plans for what to plant in our garden, what to do this summer... Time flies. Soon spring is here.

My dear Madame Debonneville, the landlord who got hit by a truck in November last year, is once again in hospital. She had an unfortunate fall one morning and hurt her head badly. Her family says she seem to have given up on recovery. It makes me sad to hear. Last Friday before driving up to Gstaad at night, I left a bouquet of tulips together with a photo collage in a card that we all had made together. Just to remind her about the beauty that soon will appear on her door step. If she only won't give up on life. Pictures of apple trees in bloom, cows munching on green fields, my kids playing on the swings, spring flowers in the flower beds... Lists of what we will grow in the garden this year... We do our best to keep her spirit up but no one knows... If she is ready to go she will go I guess.

Despite from all the dramas the last few weeks I am enjoying my crafty journey. I blocked my Maybelle crochet flowers before the weekend and then I sat in a café and made them all into a pretty garland for my shop. I made a patchwork pillow from some Tilda blue fabric scraps and I found Charlie, the cat, in my pile of scraps, comfortably sleeping... My Tilda yarn order has arrived and I made a crazy happy dance when spreading the glorious yarn around me!!! I am rather easy to please... I ball of yarn can do magic to my well being. Soon you will find them all in a little teeny tiny My Rose Valley Yarn Shop here. Just preparing pictures and a set up for it... Stay tuned!

All for now. I am still catching up with blog world. If you have asked me a question you haven't received an answer for please send it again. My Inbox has been rather messy lately and I am cleaning it all out for the moment.

Speak soon again with something more substantial than just my blah blah blah...
I wish you all a Happy Crafty Wednesday



  1. Hi Annette, I just loving reading your blah blah blah.....
    What a lovely fabric in the first picture, is that also from Tilda?

  2. Charlie is a very lucky kitty! Beautiful photos Annette, I loved them all.

  3. Beautiful photos here, loving the colours and fabrics, yummy!
    I'm sorry about your friend, falls in older people can really take away their confidence :) x

  4. Me too loves your blah blah blah. The fabric on the first picture is beautiful!

  5. Just read your last post to see what you referred to! It's just not worth the upset at times like this, I agree - it will all work itself out eventually, and as long as everybody can get some sleep.......
    Lovely colours here, both the pretty patchwork and the gorgeous crochet flowers - such lovely colours!
    Glad you enjoyed your break and the snow - now roll on spring flowers!
    Gill xx

  6. It's always nice to know from you. It's inspiring for me to keep on my blog with almost no followers....anyway....I love that Tilda yarn it looks so nice and the colors are so beautiful :)

    Have a great time!

    Lluisa x

  7. Madame Deboneville I hope she was well...
    I loooove your crochet flowers, Annette!.
    And too your cat.

  8. Sooo many pretty things!!!

  9. So sorry to hear about your friend, she has had a tough time of it lately. I think the flowers and card will remind her of Spring and the love she shares with your family.
    Hugs to you,

  10. Love your blog! I made those lovely crochet flowers and then created a simple little mobile for my new granddaughter to look at on her changing table. She loves it! Thanks for all your great ideas.

  11. Lookee you with the patchwork! I spent an hour cutting apart vintage pillow cases for a new quilt. But I have yet to cut the fabric into squares and begin quilting. so what is a girl to do? Why break into the yarn stash and begin yet ANOTHER afghan *lol!*

    I love Charlie the cat! I have my Jack Cat curled up on my lap (on top of an afghan that I made last October).

    Your new yarn is just so yummy!

  12. I love the patchwork bits. . . yet another project in my to-do list, now I have to get over the fixing my sewing machine with the scant 1/4" seam allowance . . .
    I love,love,love your CK bag !!
    Your yarns look lovely once again. . .
    I hope you friend recovers soon.

  13. I am sorry to hear about your friend! Such a pretty post, such lovely fabric and yarn and those flowers are adorable!

  14. Those Maybelle flowers look great as they're being blocked! I'm already choosing those Tilda yarns with my eyes - they look lovely!
    I had to laugh at your cat finding the most snug spot in the house to curl up!
    Looking forward to seeing your garland of Maybelle flowers. I'm making one for Easter!
    So sorry to hear about Mme Debonneville... I hope she won't give up despite this unfortunate fall. I'm sure your kind message and tulips made her feel really happy.

  15. Ooooh, poor neighbour... Can I adopt your cat, it looks sooooo cute!!

  16. I love your pictures Annette. Especially the cat napping in your fabric : )


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