Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Rambles in May

The cows are so relaxed, sun bathing on the field next to our garden. They are young ladies, quite temperamental. At times the run up and down the hill like crazy girls.

Emmy Bo and I are putting up laundry on a sunny day. It has been grey and rainy for a long time. I feel my energy levels switch in an instant when the sun comes out. I want to get things done, tackle projects.

A big project that was started last week was a re-arrangement of Luca Bo’s room. I’ve been wanting to do it for a long long time. His room is a stress trigger for me... He is a typical teenage boy. Dirty laundry mixed with garbage, school books, magazines, half eaten fruit, empty soda bottles, cups and bowls that has been brought up but never found their way back into the kitchen… And then there is of course all the creative stuff like tools, glue guns, fabric strips and foam, string, tape, wood pieces and cardboard… Right now he is heavily into puppet making. I’ll show you his creations one day. For being a beginner (I would say he’s been into this for a good 3 weeks…) I’m amazed by what he has managed to create. Can you hear I’m a proud Mama?

Anyway, Luca Bo went on a school sport camp for the whole week and I took my chance to dive into his boy cave. I just held my breath and got started. It was now or never.

Emmy Bo turned 11, quietly. She doesn't want to turn eleven. It is hard. There has been tears. Comfort hugs. Reassurance that growing up isn't a bad thing. It's hard. For her. And for me. But when her two BFF's came over and gave a full box of slime ingredients including Borax, happiness was in full swing. Birthdays are not that bad after all. Not with sleep over party including sweets, ice cream cocktails and movies until midnight.

The garden is in full swing and I'm discovering new blossoms every day. It is beautiful. I can't help but being fascinated over half dead plants that are now coming alive. I'm soaking it all in to the full while taking regular moments on my bench with coffee and crochet. Sounds like a lovely life, doesn't it? It is. It is a great life. Its' not perfect, but it is great. And who wants perfect anyway? Perfect is so boring. Naaah, I'm all for simplicity and the beauty in imperfections. There is beauty in everything.


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