Friday, August 31, 2018

Flowers, crochet and coffee = happy!

Hi my lovelies. I'm so happy to hear we are many who wants to set a healthy walk routine this fall. Thanks for all your sweet feed back on my previous post. We can do this, girls. Every step counts.

I took a long forest walk with my friend Liz this morning followed by coffee and a chat, the best kind of walk in my opinion. The rest of the day I've been prepping for a flea market event tomorrow.

Nelly Bo has lots of clothes she wants to sell (and earn some pocket money). I haven't done a flea market in years but I think this one will be fun and hopefully a bit fruitful. It is located in beautiful allee of trees that protects from sun and rain, the weather is supposed to be overcast with a good temperature and no rain. I think that sounds like a winner Flea Market Saturday, don't you?

I'm going to sell bits and bobs, things we don't use anymore, clothes, shoes, toys and some yarn from my stash. We'll see how that goes. You never know. Maybe a yarn addict will pass by and fall in love. They do exist, the yarn addicts, you know (twink)...

Yesterday I picked the most beautiful wild flower bouquet, mixed it up with some Phlox and Cosmos from my garden and put it in a jug for my outdoor table. I sat down on my bench with a latte and crochet, listening to Swedish radio. It was so nice. I finished my Fun With Stripes Baby Blanket. I have loved every minute of this make. I'm currently writing out the pattern for it but I also wonder: Would you be interested in a Yarn Color Pack for it? Do you buy Yarn Packs for your projects? I'm thinking that maybe it would be a good thing to offer Yarn Packs for some of my patterns as Tilda yarn is so difficult to find outside Sweden. What do you think? I'd like to know.

Happy weekend and I'll be back soon. Hopefully I'll snap some pics from the market so I can share it all with you later.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The morning walk routine

Yesterday was school start. A new start for my daily walk routine. I kind of lost it during vacation. Before the summer I aimed at 8000-10'000 steps/day and it might sound easy but the fact is I don't move around that much if I don't make an effort to do so. Have you ever checked how many steps you take on an average day? I should add, I don't have a dog. I think life looks different for most dog walkers. I might be wrong, but when you have a dog you have to walk the dog at least a couple of times a day. I would love to have a dog one day.

When I worked in customer service and had old ladies and gentlemen on the line chatting along (I enjoyed those conversations so much) each and everyone said the key to a long life is walking at least an hour a day. There was Bertil who was 92 and Alma 86, Ingmar 81, Gertrud 87... all of them said that they walk daily to stay healthy and fit. Those conversations has stayed in the back of my head and I'm trying really hard to set a walking routine for myself. A routine I hope will stay with me for as long as I live and a routine that helps me live a long and healthy life.

While my children set themselves ready for school yesterday morning, I set myself ready for a morning walk. Nelly Bo was the first child out the door at 7am to meet her new adventure: Gymnasium (equivalent to high school). Next child to leave the house half an hour later was Luca Bo (who has grown not less than 3 centimeters and 2 shoe sizes over the summer!!!) and then there were me and Emmy Bo hand in hand marching off to the local school in the village. It is her last year here. 8th grade. Maybe it will also be the last year of holding hands... Time will tell. Next year all my children will commute to schools further away.

Life goes on. Children grow up. Seasons change. Hand holding stops... Maybe... My morning walks helps me deal with all random challenges life is full of. They help me appreciate nature and all the things I have been given. To see the beauty right here and now. Not take things for granted. Reflect. Make decisions. Calm myself. Find balance in it all.

My first long morning walk of this "new start of the year" was absolutely lovely, and the funny thing was that when I walked there through the woods and along the fields I wondered to myself: "Why did it take me so long to get out here again?".

I love my walks. They allow me to take deep breaths of crisp air, they help me clear my head from clutter, they make me move my stiff joints and muscles. Oil the machinery. And when I return back home I'm full of ideas, energy and motivation to take on the day, new projects and everything else.

I'm gonna try really, really hard to stick to this routine this time. It is all about getting out the door... Trainers on. "Just get out the door every day Annette, and you will live happily ever after!" I tell myself. And with that I sign off for today. It is time to leave the house hand in hand with Emmy Bo. It is time for my morning walk. Day 2 of many morning walks to come. Do you want to Come Walk With Me?

Come Walk With Me!
Once I had a walking club here on the blog. It helped me in a time when I was burnt out and stuck in a constant blues. It picked me up, kept me fit and made me come back to see the light and find balance in the chaos I found myself in. Click on the Come Walk With Me icon to get walk inspired. Set a routine that fits you and the life you live. It is never to late.
Walking is something you can do anytime, anywhere and however long or short you want.
Every step counts. Even small ones. Regularity is the key.


FOLLOW  My Rose Valley HERE:

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Home Sweet Home

Two weeks have passed since we came back from vacation. I was so full of energy at first, made plans on things to do, projects to start, blogging and catching up with things where I left it. I even started on a few blog posts but they just ended up being such loooooong rambles that I never got around to edit or to push the publish button... I thought, after a few days in limbo, that maybe I just need to land in my Home Sweet Home for a bit first...

I landed. I started knocking off things on my To-Do list, kept my kids stimulated enough to not heavily fall into Cyber world 24/7. I got poorly and suddenly my machinery was running on low gear and I started to feel bad about being ill, as a mother most often do, or at least I do (we want to be Superwomen right?). What a waste to be sick and miss out on hours of productivity... Kind of sad that...

Anyway. I'm picking up my energy levels. Surprisingly I've accomplished more in the last 24 hours than in a long time. :) And I finally - FINALLY - finished my Wall Of Frames. I'm so happy this project is now accomplished. It's been dragging on for over a year. So typical me, I would say.

So, to keep this short and bubbly. I'm here. And I'll be back with glimpses of summer fun, new projects and much more very soon. Take care my lovelies. I'm off. To the garden. With crochet bag in hand. What are you up to?


FOLLOW  My Rose Valley HERE:
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