
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Southern France part 2 - The Mediterranean Flavors

Mediterranean flavors at their best.
We bought the big slice of melon in the front. Yum!
These plums were absolutely packed with flavor. YUM!
How I wish we could have brought some green beans with us home to Switzerland...
Avocado and fresh garlic.
Doesn't this look like paradise? That is Joelle (a Canadian friends daughter who is staying with us this summer)
and Emmy Bo.
1 bottle outstanding local Rosé wine, 1 big slice of water melon, half a dozen plums, half a dozen flat white peaches,
figs, yummy tomatoes and a box of the sweetest strawberries.
How I wish I could shop here every day! Oh, that is me by the way. :D

On our way home from a trip to the ocean I just had to stop here. If there is anything I miss from our years when we lived in Mallorca (a gorgeous island outside mainland Spain in the Mediterranean Ocean) it would be the fresh fruit and vegetables. The great flavors of the Mediterranean. Just the look of them makes my mouth water. The flavors are beyond fantastic. I wish I could have bought more, considering it being so incredibly cheap as well... All that in my box for 9 Euros flat... Well, let me put it this way - it would have cost me around the double if not the triple amount back home in Switzerland. And that Rosé wine... My oh my. I wish I had tried it when we still were there. It was absolutely stunning. Perfect with our shrimp-ruccola-cherry tomato pasta (YUM!) we had when we came back home.



  1. Lovely French market! Nice to see you with your wares!

  2. Sounds like you had a great trip! All that produce looks fantastic, one of the best things about summer.


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