Friday, January 29, 2010

Wrist warmers for a friend

This is my second attempt on wrist warmers. The first one was for my baby girl. this time I have made a pair for my dear friend Anna in Cornwall, England. She runs a Bed & Breakfast,  Boscean Country House Hotel located by the sea close to Land's End and now in winter she always complains about being cold. So I thought a pair of wrist warmers might do the trick when she is doing her book keeping and renovations to prepare for the next season. If I could I would have made her a pair of socks, but that is more for knitting and I find knitting a bit fiddely and ... well, to many sticks and loops to keep track of...

I made these wrist warmers a bit different this time. I started with a base chain of 35 and made a ring with a slip stitch and then I crocheted them as a tube. I descreased before the hole for the thumb and after to make it a bit more tailormade and snug. I finished it off with a single crochet bobble edging at the top and some crab stitches at the wrist. I used a DK acrylic yarn and needle 3,5 (EUR). They are really cozy and warm, snug and pretty. And quickly made. I will make myself a pair as I usually get very cold when sitting by the computer.

Anyway, if anyone has their way to the south of England, visit my friend. She is a great hostess and always makes you laugh and feel good. She is a girl who loves the good things in life and she lives in a beautiful place. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yarn sale!

Yarn frenzy. Going crazy. Completely nuts. So many colours, textures, qualities, materials... Bundles of joy. Kind of like a baby bundle of joy, but more insane.

If I was a rich girl - la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la...

Then I would flip out and buy EVERYTHING possible to satisfy my desire for this simple and natural thing called yarn. I totally - I mean TOTALLY - understand how someone can go berserk to sooth their yarn addiction.

So, I found some yarn on the sale. 100% wool. It will be my first wool experience. A blanket I think. Love the colours. Can't get enough of it. So I went a bit nuts and took a dozen+ pictures of my bargain. I spent an hour picking, touching, feeling, holding them in the store before calming myself down and putting back half of it as I quickly filled up an IKEA bag in a swisch (for you who doesn't know the size of an IKEA BAG - think size of big garbage bag!) No one warned me that yarn and crochet is highly addictive when I first picked up my crochet needle in September. This stuff is like heavy drugs... Luckily it is after all a very healthy addiction.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

IKEA's stove

I think that IKEA's stove for kids must have been a best seller for 2009's Christmas shopping. I can't keep track on how many of my friend's daughter's now have IKEA's cool, modern and cute stove in their bedrooms. So I thought, my youngest daughter can also have one.

And here it is. IKEA's latest model. IKEA moving box, IKEA wrapping paper, glue, sticky tape, pair of scissors, knife, an old eggbox and some clips. Voila`! 30 minutes later - a happy girl with a brand new, flashy stove!

And I did send off the baby blanket to my brother's baby boy. Arvid was born on the 8th of January. And I am officially a three time aunt.

I also got some new crochet projects going on, of course... Red, pink and purple. Pillow case I think. We will see. Right now I am just adoring the color combinations. And enjoying the soothing making of granny squares.

Winter finally came to Switzerland. And I shovelled the front of the house "all by myself!". It is something magically satisfying with shovelling snow. I could do it every day.

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