Monday, August 31, 2015

Pattern testing, color & yarn play

This last week I've been pattern testing my upcoming Nordic Hat pattern. A hat that is supposed to accompany the Nordic Wrist Warmers of course... I've been tweaking, fixing, counting and writing it all down. Changing, adding, failing and succeeded! It is one thing to make a hat for yourself, another thing to make it into a pattern for someone else to read and follow...

In the process I've included some color and yarn play. Trying out new color combinations apart from the original version, and a new yarn (so excited about this yarn!!!) which will soon be available in my Yarn Shop.

This new yarn is named Ulrika and is produced by Svarta Fåret just like the wonderful Tilda yarn. It is a 100% Superwash wool and a divine to work with. Supersoft and washable, a DK weight and perfect for winter accessories and blanket making.

And the latest Nordic Hat trial is a smashing bottle green hat with pink contrasting colors. It will look lovely on someone in winter. I might just take it for myself if none of the girls grabs it first. :)

The pattern is about to be launched soon. Stay tune - things are happening over here. Just need to proof read and take those last few pictures and I'm ready to roll this.


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Friday, August 28, 2015

15 minutes from home

Look what we found!!! The most fabulous little beach place called Altitude 1004, offering rentals of pedal boats, surf boards, motor boats, sail boats... Everything imaginable for play on a lake. A small camping ground with just a half dozen of mobile homes lined up. Privately run by a super friendly tanned old man with silver white hair. A paradise of relaxation with a ping pong table, hammocks in the trees and open fire places to use.  And from the opening of a shabby and eclectic caravan you could buy ice cream and drinks. What else do you need on a sunny day? And all this not far away at all, in a new direction we've never tried before.

We just jumped in the car to check out something new and found us a new favorite place: Lac de Joux, a lake for play. :)

To often we just go to the same pool, to the same lake and the same old beach. We shop in the same shops, go to the same cafés and same restaurants. We stay true to our post office, our gyms and libraries. We hardly ever say "Lets jump in the car and go somewhere new!". But this time we did. And we should do it more often. Explore what is near by. You don't really have to travel across the world to find exciting things, do you? Often paradise is just around the corner. Only 15 minutes from home.


FOLLOW  My Rose Valley HERE:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Long time no see

Hi! How are you? Oh my, it's been ages hasn't it? I have to admit that summer just flew by in super speed aswell as my very well needed rest from Cyberworld and Blogland. It is good to go away for a while. Disconnect and come back with new energy and new ideas. I'm well rested and full of energy. An energy I haven't felt in a long time. It makes me happy!

I haven't crocheted that much this summer. I kind of took a time off pretty much everything when flying across the Swiss border with destination Stockholm and Sweden. Summer weather was awful up north. Dreadful. A true depression. But seeing family and friends and hanging out in our very own summerhouse made all the misery disappear. We had a wonderful time even though we had only 4 rain free days in 3 weeks.

So happy to hear that most of you are delighted with my choice of joining color for my Circle In Square Blanket WiP. It is growing steadily with a few squares a day in front of the TV. Now when I'm half way through almost, I'm starting to think that maybe I don't want it be a blanket... Maybe I just want it be pillows. But this time I have been so disciplined and fastened off every single end as I go... It would be a night mare to disconnect the squares. A blanket it will be no matter what now.

I'm working on getting some of my patterns down on paper. Like the Nordic Hat for example and some other projects I have had lying around for a while. I'm hoping to be able to release some new goodies for you in September.

I also have a little idea of sharing some Crochet Tips with you. My very favorite small tips and tricks that makes every crochet WiP a little bit more easy, nice and efficient. Things I've learned through the years such as using a magic ring, crochet into the bottom of a treble to make a ring, crochet a seamless circle, crochet a straight edge without gaps etc. Would that be fun you think?

Anyway. I feel almost like a stranger here today. It's been so looong. School has started and everyone is falling back into routine. Me too. I've missed this space and I'm glad to be back. See you around lovelies.


FOLLOW  My Rose Valley HERE:
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