Hi my lovelies. It came to my knowledge recently, that there were some errors found in my Pine Tree Wrist Warmers pattern. I try my very best to proof read and make a complete pattern, but I'm only human and errors sneak in when I least expect it. So, thank you to the fellow crocheter and customer who contacted me with the information, I highly appreciate your eagle eye.
The pattern has been carefully proof read one more time and corrections has been made (see a sample of what my patterns look like above). I also updated some pictures in the pattern... More pretty now. :) The new corrected version of the Pine Tree Wrist Warmers pattern is now uploaded to Etsy for purchase. However, I have not yet managed to send the new version to all my Etsy buyers. I'm on it, thank you for your patience.
My apologies for any inconvenience and trouble this might have caused someone. I have to add: the mistakes were minor, nothing drastic, but still... Happy Weekend to you all.
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