Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Bittersweet spring

It's aching. Spring is here. Flower buds are breaking through. Its beautiful. And painful. In so many ways. A great artist is lost. It hurts. Nature is beautiful. It hurts. Life is on high speed. It hurts. I want to slow it all down. I wonder if everything was slowed down even before, maybe the artist would have lived. I play his tunes, over and over again. I read about him. Desperate to find answers to why such a talent had to leave so soon. It doesn't feel fair. Life isn't fair. And still... I guess I'm grieving like so many others. The 24-year old Annette in me who would have been there on his shows, dancing herself crazy and filling herself up with music euphoria... Maybe that is why this tragedy is touching me so deeply.

I walk my garden, talk to the cats, pick some spring flowers. Celebrate life. That I am here. In this very enchanting moment when everything is breaking free, coming alive. It is so so overwhelming, I want to save it all, catch it in my hands like you catch a butterfly, and keep it for later.... But spring can't be captured. It runs too fast.

Cats are everywhere, outside. I stumble over them. They meow, they chase birds. Oh the bird song. The bees. The mountains. The blue bird sky. My big girl studying in the garden. My little girl running bare feet up the hill. My boy on the basket ball court. My love doing the finishing touches on his motorcycle renovation project. It is so stunning, ready to make someone else happy. For sale. It is all here. Love. Everywhere I look I see it and feel it. And still I feel pain. Pain because of the beauty in it all. Because of the loss of someone who's life had just started... And I'm thinking, he had a great journey, it is not all just sad. It is just as beautiful as spring itself. The thought is kind of comforting...

I sit on my bench, listen to his melodies, crochet a row or two and sip my coffee. Life can be so bitter sweet. Actually, it always is. Maybe it is supposed to be that way. To create the perfect harmony. Just like the perfect harmony in a song.


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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dream catchers for making dreams come true

Hi my lovelies
Do you believe in dream catchers? Do you have them? Do you know anything about them? I believe in dream catchers and so does also my oldest Nelly Bo who preferably spends her free time either at the piano, listening to music or singing but also creating, painting and re-decorating. She loves everything "boho" and spiritual and so naturally she started to make dream catchers to find peace and to release stress between school and studies which is taking up most of her time these days.

Last fall I showed you some of her creations on Instagram which resulted in a few sales and customized orders to Nelly Bo's delight. She is saving up money for traveling around the world once school is over and her future goal is to work in the humanitarian sector to help people in need and environmental rescue projects. My girl wants to save the world, and with that ambition I think traveling the world and seeing other cultures, volunteering in a humanitarian project or similar is a great start.

In Native American culture it is said that dream catchers were hung above the beds of sleeping children to protect them from bad dreams and evil spirits. Legends held that the spider web design of the dream catcher would allow good dreams to pass through and float down the hanging beads and feathers to the sleeping children, while bad dreams would be caught in the web and disappear with the first rays of the morning light.

Nelly Bo's dream catchers are made with great love and attention to details. Every creation is unique and one of its kind. She is a strong believer of a dream catchers' power to protect and spread good spirit. If you are interesting in purchasing one of her creations you can now wind them in my Etsy shop. Nelly Bo will continue to make dream catchers in her spare time and when buying one of Nelly Bo's handmade creations, you are helping her to raise the money she needs to make her dreams come true.


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