Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas cries and Christmas joy

First of advent came and today it is the day before Christmas Eve. What happened? Every year is the same, I have so many plans for December. So little time. Next year I'll start in November...

I filled my home with Christmas spirit, that First of advent, as well as I started a new job. That is what happened. The job is just temporary, a challenging project. A job that makes me feel like a real working woman. A job where I'm using so much brain power that I crash into bed in a fog of exhaustion early in the evenings. It is great! I am learning new things and I get to leave the house every day to go in to the office. It is a great feeling. I'll take my chance to do a shout out as I am working on developing an Intranet site in SharePoint. If anyone of you have experience of SharePoint and how it works, please let me know as I'm trying hard to crack how to use this complex platform and need help to do so.

And what else did I do this December?

I attended the Swedish Christmas market in Lausanne and sold almost all of my handmade creations to benefit the Swedish church. A day filled of Swedish tradition and culture. So lovely.

I baked saffron buns that was eaten within the baking day. Many times. We love saffron buns in my family. Saffron bun recipe here.

I've tried to buy gifts from the heart instead of just from a list. It takes brain work but is more satisfying.

I have written rhymes on chosen gifts as we used to that when I was a kid. It makes gifting even more special.

I have not written Christmas cards, and I feel really bad about that. I've collected so many beautiful Christmas cards over the years but somehow I most often fail to get them written in time. Or sent. Next year...

We invited friends for dinner, once, and to make it real special Jay made seafood tacos with homemade tortillas, tomato black bean salsa, red cabbage ceviche and guacamole topped with feta cheese crumbles. It was divine! Who would have thought salmon and lobster could be great for tacos? My new favorite dish.

We ate countless ginger cookies. Say now more...

I have not taken my daily walks for weeks, and I really - REALLY - miss them. I have come to realize how important those walks are to me and will make an effort to find the time for them again from now on. Being kind to myself.

I watched just a few Christmas movies like The Grinch, Elf and Love Actually. I still want to watch The Family Stone, The Holiday and Jack Frost. I do have a weak spot for sentimental Christmas movies that makes me cry.

I had my annual Christmas cry on the Third of advent. Ironically Jay said that morning that he was surprised I hadn't had my Christmas cry yet. Maybe he jinxed it as I later that afternoon was sobbing it all out in the laundry room over a failed batch of saffron buns and feeling overwhelmed from all the expectations I put on myself this time of the year. Same ol', same ol'. I folded two boxes of laundry and then I stepped back into reality and decided it will all be alright.

I haven't touched my crochet hook in weeks. All things crochet and crafts has come to a stall. It is what it is... That granny cluster blanket will be finished, one day...

We've listened to so many Christmas songs, good and bad. Favorites are still Bublé, Elvis and old classics. A new found version of Silver Bells has climbed in on my top 10 Christmas Song List, sung by John Legend this time. Cheezy and super Christmassy with bells, back up singers and all.

I still have gifts to wrap, Christmas candy to make. I wanted to invite people for Christmas apertif's, buy myself a Christmas sweater, craft with the kids, go for long walks, play games... I shouldn't beat myself up about it. Instead I should just do what I want to do today. Go with the flow... I'm thinking to do some of these things today:

- Leave all chores to the side
- Go for a long walk
- Make Christmas candy with the kids
- Continue to listen to Christmas music 
- Wrap the last couple of gifts
- Play Monopoly, all family involved
- Drink Glögg and eat even more ginger cookies.
- Watch a Christmas movie

And last but not least I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. And say Thank You for sticking it out with me for another year, no matter how hot and cold I get with my space here. And Thank You for purchasing my patterns, leaving messages, sharing your thoughts and stories and listening to my rambles.

Turn on your favorite Christmas tune and dance all the stress away (if you have any, I know I have some...). It's Christmas time, a time for cheer, love and laughter. Good food and drinks. Pyjama days and woolly socks. Chilling. No need to make it complicated. After all, the best gift is to just be together. Let's be together.


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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Coziness and glorious sunrise

Earlier this week I woke up to see the most beautiful sunrise over the Alps. I tried my best to capture it, but nothing beats the real thing. It was just stunning. You would think we're in October as there is no snow on the ground, no frosty mornings. Low temperatures for sure, but far from what I call winter. I just hope we will get some snow this year, but who knows. Climate change is really making it unpredictable.We might just be "October" for the rest of the year...

I have counted down the days to the weekend, full of excitement to fill my home with Christmas spirit. I've decided to do it all at once this year. Jay will be away on a business trip for a couple of weeks so we'll get a tree this weekend and go full Christmas mode from First of Advent itself. That way we can all enjoy the Christmas spirit in full as a family. A great part of the build up is to flick through my collection of Christmas magazines. Preferably with breakfast while the rest of the house is still asleep. I light a candle and fill myself up with colors, patterns and ideas for the upcoming holiday season.

This morning I took down the Christmas boxes from the attic. It is finally time to turn on some Christmas carols, heat up some glögg, bake ginger cookies to spread the lovely scent of the holidays all around. December is by far my favorite time of the year. It is just so full of warmth, love, joy and coziness. Is that even a word? Well, if not before, it is now. Coziness - think warm, snugly, friendly, joyful, comfortable, loving, in peace, yummy... I'm ready. Are you?

coziness (Noun. 1. ) a state of warm snug comfort, coziness, snugness, comfort, comfortableness - a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain.
I think that says it all. In Denmark and Norway they say Hygge, in Sweden we say Mysigt. Bring on the Coziness. 


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