Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Alone in silence

The house is silent. Only me and the cat Charlie are awake. I hear the white noise from the heaters... We have just started to turn them on. The mornings are getting darker. It is time to start lighting candles with my peaceful breakfast... It is not often my house is quiet and although people say I will miss all the chaos and noise one day I really do enjoy these moments of being on my own while the rest of my chickens (and the rooster!!!) are fast asleep. :D

PS Picture taken with my iPhone... If I had a "real" camera this picture would be so much nicer. Any suggestion for a good and still easy to use digital systematic camera? I think I will wish for my birthday...


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  1. Also I love those moments. Have a nice day ;)

  2. Looks like a peaceful and relaxing breakfast. Enjoy xx

  3. How about A Canon Ixus... I love mine. Your picture is so peaceful.

  4. Hi Annette a truly lovely photograph, I can just feel the stillness and quiet here. I think your picture is great but I have the same problem myself as I use my camera and am sometimes disappointed with the results - like you I am thinking of choosing one and hoping Santa leaves one in my sack for me. Anyway Annette, I think you did a wonderful job here, love it. Big hug
    Lots of love

  5. I like your photo. Must say, our three cameras are gathering dust...I mainly use the phone and am more than happy.
    It's nice, those quite hours.

  6. I think it's a nice photo anyway. I mostly use my Nikon DSLR but I also have a Canon point-and-shoot that I like.

  7. The picture looks fantastic just as it is.xxx

  8. Silence is so delightful. Especially when our family is nestled in their beds asleep.

  9. Beautiful moments, it's why I don't mind waking up an hour earlier than the world just to sneak it in. Saving for a lovely DSLR myself, goal being to have it for Christmas cards next year at the latest :)

  10. I have a Canon EOS 350D, and I use it for most of my photograph if I have the energy. Although this is still a really good photograph...it captures the mood of this moment perfectly!


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