Thursday, October 17, 2013


Me and my children from left: Emmy, Nelly and Luca. taken last summer - 2012.
We have that little innocent baby bundle in our arms staring at us with big eyes, crying for this, crying for that without being able to say a word. The baby grows and learn and we just wait for that first "Mama" to come out of their mouth. When it happens it is a milestone to celebrate with firework and orchestras, balloons and party hats. My child says "Mama", ain't that just fantastic?

Time passes by and a couple of years down the road you find yourself, at some point (quite often...), wishing that your precious baby never learned how to say "Mama". Because now, that is the only thing you hear. "Mama! Mama! Mama!". And it is driving you bonkers. I mean, real cou-cou bonkers! Seriously, I would like to just scream "Shut up!" sometimes.

My children are getting older, they are soon 12, 9 and 6. And the word "Mama" still seem to be their first word choice. Even when Papa himself is standing next to them. It is fascinating how the first thing they say when they step in through the door coming home from school is just "Mama!?", to assure me that "I am home now.".

It is fascinating that "Mama" is the first word they scream out in fear after a nightmare, that Mama is the one to turn to when having a bleeding knee, an itching mosquito bite, an argument with a sibling, a bumped head from running into a door handle which is located in the perfect height for a 6 year old head. (This happens often...). That they call for "Mama" when wanting a snack, searching for a lost Pet Shop, looking for a special shirt or need help with homework or to change batteries in a radio remote car.

The other day when taking a shower upstairs I hear one of my children call "Mama" in a distance. Everyone in my household knows that I am in the shower and still someone calls from the bottom floor with 2 closed doors between us. Like I would be downstairs in a second like a magic fairy, flying through doors and walls with magic dust around me, although reality is I got shampoo in my hair and am far from being present to my child.

It fascinates me that I, as a 31 year old grown up married woman, called out for "Mama" when giving birth to my first child, although I was on the other side of the world (Cairns, Australia).  But yeas, I cried desperately for "Mama" as the pain and fear of delivering a child got overwhelming. It fascinates me that me, The Mama, still calls out for my own Mama when in pain, may it be physical or in my heart and soul.

Mama. The one we turn to. In good and bad. The one who cares and nurtures, comforts and listens. The one who puts boundaries and teaches us about life and living. She is always there, ready to jump over stones and fallen trees, run through woods and swim through oceans for us when we call from a distance "Mama!".

I suddenly feel privileged to be a Mama and to still have my own Mama around. And even if I sometimes wish my children could stop saying "Mama" for the 147th time in a day, I secretly feel very proud and important, special and unique. I am indispensable. No one can ever take my place. Unconditionally through good and bad. I am Mama. Bring it on. Call out "Mama" from near and far, over and over again. This is after all the best thing that ever happened to me in life.


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  1. being a mother, it is for the rest of life

  2. This is the sweetest post ever!! Your children are so blessed to have you for a Mama!! I love to be called mama too and to get to talk to my mama, even if it's on the phone!!

  3. Oh Annette this was such a sweet and lovely post, adored it. You are right, the most wonderful word in the world is Mama - your children are just lovely - just like you.
    Lots of love

  4. OMG you are so right! I love this post and I think every mama understands you, I do!

  5. What a beautiful post Annette!! I am 53, and I still very much, need my Mama. I hope that never changes for my children either.
    Bless you!

  6. My Eldest first said Mama when I was driving, I almost crashed the car I was so surprised! Yes, I too am usually the first port of call in our home! Lovely isn't it! :) x

  7. hahaha.... i samma stund som jag sitter och läser det här inlägget sitter jag med båda mina barn bredvid mig. Storebror på 3 år och lillasyster på 1,5 år och båda sitter envist och säger mamma mamma trots att vi sekunderna tidigare alla tre har ropat på pappa för att lära lillan det. Vad mina sötnosar vill mig när de säger mamma och sitter intill mig vet jag inte. Men jag är redan trött på att höra dem ropa mamma och då har jag bara fått höra det i knappt 2 år.

  8. Thank you for this precious post.

  9. Such a sweet post! I love being a mama too (and now a grandmama as well) and I love that I still having my own mama nearby. Know what you mean about being called on first all the time though!!
    Helen x

  10. OOH!!! What a beautiful post. I am a bit of a new mama, my little girl is 18 months and yes "mama", is the most clear word that she can say and believe me she call mama all day long...
    Many thanks Annette for such a sweet and wonderful post <3

    Lluisa x

  11. Beautiful post today Annette, I feel very privileged myself.

  12. I know exactly what your saying and my eldest daughter is now 28 and she still calls me Mumma, especially when she may be upset or worried. In fact all 3 of mine still shout Mumma and I have now gained another Mumma caller, my daughter in law. But I wouldn't want it any other way.
    Sally xxx

  13. the same here!!!! "mamma" is still popular around here!!!!! ;oD
    xxxxx Ale

  14. Such beautiful thoughts, thank you for sharing them and your family with us.

  15. Such a lovely post. I hear you. I feel very privileged to be a mother to three sons.......but why, oh why do they shout your name through closed doors and flights of stairs......and ALWAYS want you when you are in the bath or shower wanting 5 minutes to yourself?!!!!!

  16. you are so right!!
    Being a Mama of a 3 a 6 year's old children I know how the M word can be overwhelming. Thank you for putting things in the right place!

  17. Beautiful!! Even though I often threaten my son that I am one day going to find a secret hideaway and "disappear" for a few days, just to escape the constant "Mummma", I am secretly proud that he always comes to me first, when anything is to be shared. :)

  18. This is so so true!
    What a wonderful post!
    Thank you so much
    Nicole xxx ( Iam fighting back my tears:-))

  19. Yes, it can be so annoying at times, but I know I wouldn't want it any other way. xoxo

  20. Oh Annette, I feel like you've been hiding somewhere in my house all week and have written exactly how I'm feeling! :-) This amazing post brought a tear to my eye, so full of the love, frustration, elation, worries...everything it means to have the title 'mama'. The shower moment, oh how I can relate to that! But nothing in the world makes me feel more special than knowing that I am the only one in the world whose kiss can heal all hurts my children acquire. Thank you for sharing! Chrissie x

  21. Beautiful ..... But... I sometimes I have to tell my daughter "Enough!" as has been today. Because I have a cold ( which I entrusted her, of course ...! ) And a lot of headache and cough with mucus and head m'explota ... and her "mama! breast! breast!" thousand times ... course, is one of the few words she clearly says ... She is two years! and I'm all for it ... and you're right, although the father is next, if something serious happens like fingers on doors, etc.. she says "mama!" We are fortunate to have children ... your words are lovely and I'm totally in accord with you!

  22. Annette, what a lovely post for your children to look back on when they are adults. Though only new to mothering myself to a 3yr old son and a daughter who will be 2 next month, I can relate to the many uses of my new name 'Mammy' already. I was nodding in agreement all the way through reading your post.....i wouldn't change it for the world. From Helen

    On a separate note, i have just discovered your blog and have spent this past week reading and admiring your lovely photos of Switzerland and Sweden, (when there was no constant echo of 'mammy, mammy' mammy' in the rooms and hallway) and thinking i might try something other than a granny square and dreaming that i could do patchwork..... unfortunately neeedles, thread and material and myself do not get along.....material ends up in a heap, thread is all knotted, needles are on the floor and me...after several not-so-nice language used am in a terrible bad form!! I will just watch you instead!

  23. As always, you exactly sum up the essence of my feelings on the matter in the most perfect way. You had me wiping away a tear by the end too. So true, so true!

    S x

  24. Hola Annette!!
    Muy ciertas tus palabras,ser mamá es lo mas bello del mundo.
    Hermosa familia!!


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