I'm a starter. I start things all the time. Multiple times a day actually. I love that euphoric feeling of starting something new. Collecting the colors. The yarn. The first few stitches. Very impatient. I need to see progress quick. I need the idea to evolve before my eyes before I loose the thought. I feel rushed. I feel a need to start this something. Right now. Always.
But because this happens many times daily I struggle... You see, I start on something and then, when a new desire to realize an idea sweeps in like a wave in my head, I just HAVE to start on this new idea. Before I loose it. God forbid if I loose it... And so what I just started gets put away and I start something else. Something new. Again. I'm a bit manic that way. I can very much identify myself with a total nut case of an artist. I can understand as it is so hard to explain that urge... Of creating. In the moment.
As a result the projects of unfinished creations and ideas piles up. This is just some of it. I thought, if I put it all out there maybe I will feel encouraged to actually finish something. Just something! Because unfinished business do stress me. I don't really like having unfinished stuff around me. It feels like clutter...
So there is the Sarah London inspired blanket of 2-coloured granny squares which is great and bold but will it really live in my home? I'm not sure it will... I'm 1/3 into it, toddler size... I might just give it up and give it away to a thrift shop somewhere.
And then there is the Maybelle Flower Square blanket... I know it will be amazingly pretty when done. Maybe I will finish it this summer as my younger brother is expecting his first child in September... Yes! That feels like a great goal to have. Finish the Maybelle Square Blanket!
We have the hexagons... I'm embarrassed to admit this WiP was featured in a similar post in 2012 (!!!) and it has stayed the same size since... I' might just frame it. It would look lovely in a frame.It will never be finished. But it makes me heart skip happy every time I look at it.
I have all the pastel projects; doilies, triangles, squares... Just because the colors are so lovely. And just because it is so much fun to play with different stitches. They might just turn into buntings or pot holders...
There is a new design progressing, another Nordic design... but it has stalled a bit I'm afraid with all the drama lately.
I have The Summer Shawl from Maaike at CreJJtion's book Puur Haken... That is an easy one to finish actually. Why did I halt that project when being so close to the finish line? That's it. I will finish this shawl this week. Basta!
And so many more projects... Are you the same? Or are you disciplined enough to have only one project on the go at the time? Oh how I wish I was that kind of girl at times...
I have quite limited time for creative things and far too much on the go already, so I try very hard not to start more than one thing of any sort - so one knitting project, one hand sewing, one machine sewing, one cross stitch. It's still a bit scary. And yes, things take a very long time. It's always tempting to start a new thing though, so many excellent ideas out there? CJ xx
ReplyDeleteIt's a relief to know I'm not the only one. Your little pieces look so pretty. Each one I'm sure will be finished when their time has come for more loving x
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone! I sat down in my crochet corner and looked around... Five bags (ica-påsar) full of lovely yarn such as Tilda, Paris, Cablé, mixed yarn... Like a piece of heaven. And then I saw small pieces where I tried new stitches and remembered my intentions. That is an easy way to just say goodbye to two or three hours because suddenly my children screamed for lunch. Oops!
ReplyDeleteWhat I found in big shapes was presented on my Instagram. Yepp, I went official with my UFOs/WIPs just to speed up a little!
But I also have some finished ones off to be newborn gifts later this month so I do finish some things...
Have a nice day!
Oh good grief, we're Starter Sisters. I'd be scared to get all my starters together in one spot like this!
ReplyDeleteJust got two starter blankets out and into the going-to-hospice box...they're perfect long scarves...!
Oh, how I can understand you :-) I am also a starter!! I love, love, love the feeling of beginning something new. And I love love to think about what my next project will be ;-) My husband is always argueing about this habit ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd concerning to you last post I can also understand you! I felt the same way after we got my little girl home from hospital after her premature birth (29th week of pregnacy) and severeal week in the intensive care unit. The fear to lose the child is just unbearable and needs time to be surrendered.
oh my - I can so relate to this post! I am just like this as well. I usually have 5 WIPs in Progress and I limited myself to 5 Wips. But still manage to get over my 5W limit - at the Moment I actually have six, but doesn't count two of the same kind as one?. I also have a box full of ideas for new projects to start after one is finished. I think it a good thing that we are so full of curiosity, passion and creative spirit, that not only gets inspired easily, but also is so full that we have the need to inspire others as well. And you do that amazingly in your blog - So you can be very proud to be so full of creative input that it is enough for many others as well.
ReplyDelete*I believe it is a condition called Startiitis... I know I have it too...
ReplyDeleteI could never function with one project. When my head feels like a popcorn machine at the cinema,
I just have to start and start and start over again..
I an cheering for you, Keep up the good work and enjoy your day :)
Bonita colecion y gran colorido,felicidades
ReplyDeleteHello Annette,
ReplyDeleteI'm similar to you, always several projects on the go.
Nothing really finished.
But sometimes, i finish some things and then i may start some new ones.
Have a great week ( and how is Luca doing?), Jeanette.
Oh I really am the same. I always like to have a few projects on the go at once so that I don't get bored with any of them. Sadly though that means sometimes a project might get forgotten or is bag misplaced. I went through boxes of stash the other day and found a blanket that is waiting to be sewn together and a cardigan that is only waiting for its collar but no longer has the pattern with it! Maybe one day we'll actually catch up on all the wips. :)
I guess most of the crafters are like that. There is a term associated with this - Startitis
ReplyDeleteYou not alone. Starting new projects always gives me a thrill. But then again, unfinished projects stress me out. I'm treating June as the month to complete ALL outstanding business. Then I'm going to start a whole you pile of projects.
ReplyDeleteI am the same. I always start projects and some will never be finished. I put them in a box and when I find them again I do not know where I was and which hook I used etc.
ReplyDeleteTake care!
I have been this way too but at some point I actually ditched all my unfinished stuff ( I think when I moved house ) and I am now trying to finish one piece before I go on to another. Having a small budget helps this and looking forward to starting the new project spurs me on to finish the first. Seems to be working so far....
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing your pictures of your half finished makes. Even though they're not finished they're still very pretty and the colours are inspiring. I have many projects on the go; 3 crochet, 1 embroidery, 4 sewing and many more in the queue, so you're not alone ;) I love the feeling of seeing a project finished and unfinished things stress me out but I need a few projects to work on so I don't get bored!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see this and to read all those comments ;D It means I'm not alone haha
ReplyDeleteIt's not the feeling of getting started for me I think... I just love to change once in a while :D
Beautiful projects you have to do by the way ;)
Every few months I have a finish-it month. It really helps me go from UFO to FO and keep the startitis down to a minimum. It also helps that I love to cross off a FO from my list and gift the item to the intended recipient. Maybe that is the key - finding something on the finishing side that is just as appealing as the starting side.
ReplyDeleteOoohh... my WIP collection is large...
ReplyDeleteI can s-o relate! I too am forever inspired with an idea when I'm already in the middle/start of something else! I think that's how ideas come, when we are being creative. Sometimes I can be discipline and finish one project before starting another, but not very often, or unless it's a gift and a deadline is approaching.lol Good luck! (Too us all!) ; D
ReplyDeleteJust like me ! ;-)
ReplyDeleteFiber eye candy here. I love the look of the Maybelle blanket. I try not to have more than two or three projects. I'd rather have two.
ReplyDeleteI am a starter too but then I have have the thrill of a finish once a week! So I juggle lots of projects picking up what takes my fancy. Jo x
ReplyDeleteYou are living in a "wait" period because of your life. You have children and a hubby. We wait here & there for appointments/picking up people/ getting ready to go somewhere ........ I guess I am a curious person & want to know how something goes together!! Once I figure out the process, the work of finishing begins!! I have just learned to go with the flow. You will have more time to get back to a project when the kids are older. I spent tons of time with my kids, but managed to sneak in creative moments. I am now working through some of these bags of stuff I have had. First, it makes me smile to remember what was going on when I worked on the project. Second, I usually learned something from each project. Third, I have to decide to keep going or start over. most of my materials I work with are not super expensive & I can repurpose them!! Fourth, I now have a grandchild and he will receive things I did not get done for his Dad. This is my hobby & my life. Some days I just love to sit around my stuff & know I will never be without. Some days I feel overwhelmed , but it usually goes away fast!! Hugs to Luca. Don't judge yourself so harshly ( there are many people out there that will do it for you ). Play & enjoy. This time will not last forever.
ReplyDeleteI could easily be a starter, so I try hard to be a finisher. It isn't easy is it! xx
ReplyDeleteThey say that creative minds are always untidy ... something like this happens to us all! but I will to try not to have more than two projects started ... because so then then I'm nervous ... but everyone has his methods! all projects are very beautiful. Annette, hope you have a beautiful day!
ReplyDeleteI have many projects, of all categories, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, sewing, quilting....I cannot even keep to one discipline!!!!! It stops me getting bored though. I have officially stopped worrying about it. My trick is to pack the many projects into many places and try to concentrate on one at a time. Knitting at the kitchen table, quilting in front of the TV, sewing in my room.....the house is dotted with my many moods and sometimes I actually finish a thing.😁
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone! And your 2 color granny squares are my favorite! I want to start one just like it! LOL! But I have tried to do some "finishes". I have promised myself I have to finish something now before I can start anything new. I spent today organizing yarns and projects so I can keep a handle on them and I have to finish some items because they are presents that will be needed next month. There's something about me though that enjoys the pressure? Sick, I know but I usually manage to rise to the occasion and get them done but then after that I start a bunch more! LOL! As long as you are enjoying yourself what's the harm? But I REALLY love that 2 color granny square...the one you want to give to the thrift store! I'll be making one of those for sure. It's so retro....colors and all! LOVE! You go girl! You are very talented and creative and you make beautiful things.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so glad I'm not alone! I'm the EXACT SAME WAY!! I have sooo many crochet WIPs going now, it's overwhelming, and have now added a mountain of cross stitch WIPs, too! Solidarity, sister! One day (maybe) we'll finish everything :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm a starter too, it's my special skill! Currently working on lots of things, but trying to fall in love with my projects a bit more and make those WIPs FOs! X
ReplyDeleteYou have described that feeling of starting THE new project perfectly - I'm addicted to that feeling! I have lost count of the unfinished projects, they get stuffed in the corner next to the sofa. It's only when you lay it all out in front of you, that you see the extent of your problem! It's so much fun though, I wouldn't change, that's how the creative process works for me. Great post, thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I think it's a common crafter problem! I'm sure it will all get done in the end!x
ReplyDeleteI am the very same way and it makes me crazy! I would love to be like the people that just work on one project, finish it, and start the next. I have so many unfinished projects lying around that I'll probably never complete them all in my lifetime. And not only that but I buy for new projects because I just have to get the perfect yarn/fabric for it this very moment. But really, how many shawls can a person knit/crochet in a lifetime? How many quilts can someone actually finish while working full-time? Not nearly as many as I have lined up! I'm trying to fight the urge and finish things up but it is slow going.
ReplyDeleteSo totally me!! I have several wips, lots of projects where I have bought the yarn/fabric and even more patterns printed of and lists of to do's. It must be the creative genius in us ;-)
ReplyDeleteHello Annette! I´m exactly the same. I have a crochet blanket, two cardigans (or three?), curtains for my son,...on the go. Sometimes it drives me crazy, sometimes I don´t care about it.
ReplyDeleteI love your designs and your blog. Thankyou for sharing!
Kind regards,