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Luca & Norton - best buddies on the track and at home! |
Hello my lovelies! It is a sunny day and me and Luca are going for a walk in the woods. You see, he had an accident 2 weekends ago. A bad one. On his motocross. He jumped and landed on his front wheel and was thrown onto his handlebar right across his stomach, just underneath the ribs.
At first we thought it was ok. He was with his best buddy's Dad and his crew, and we said to just bring him home. But when he was carried into the house, all pale and confused, we instantly knew something had gone wrong. It was not just a broken rib and some scratches.
He was taken to the Emergency room where they discovered that he suffered from a liver laceration. level 4, which had resulted in an internal bleeding. He was transferred with a helicopter to Geneva University Hospital and the Intensive Care Unit. I came out that evening to stay the night. The first of many sleepless nights in hospital.
We took turns me and Jay, neighbors stepped in and helped out with the girls. Time stopped and I withdrew to our own private sphere... We made it through one day after another, sleeping in 20 minute blocks, driving back and forth to the hospital, swopping shifts... and finally on day 5 it all turned around like a miracle. Luca managed to sleep for 4 hours in a row without waking up in pain. The pain finally had gone, we could cut off the morphine and Luca magically stepped up and took a few steps. His best buddy Norton came to visit, which made Luca overly happy. The next day we were released to go home.
Anyway - today it is a sunny day! And me and Luca are going for a walk in the woods. Did I tell you that already? After 6 days in bed rest, Luca is still a bit weak and wobbly in his steps. He needs exercise to build up his muscles and he needs rest and food to build up his strength. We do home schooling and hang out, rest, walk and eat.
The doctor's order is no sports in 3 months... He had a 2,5 inches/6 cm cut in his 4 inches/10 cm big liver... It takes a while for that to heal properly... But Luca says he wants to get back on the bike after the summer. I think that is a good sign.
When you fall off the horse you should get right back up!
Isn't that what they say? I don't want fear to put a stop for his love of motocross or put limits to his active life in the future. He has always been extreme, he was born extreme. I can't stop it. It is just the type of character he is.
The crisis is over and we are slowly getting back into routine. Below is a snippet of something I wrote during those terrible days... I have already forgotten how hard it was. Although I am still recovering as well. Although we are all so happy and relieved, now comes the post trauma reaction... A lot of rest for all of us is needed I believe. And holding hands.
"Tuesday 26th of May:
I can't. I just can't get anything done. I sit here and try to catch up on things. I know I have things to do. I have the time to do it too. But I just can't. I sit, stare and it's like I'm frozen. I walk like a zombie, I move like in slow motion. I eat a sandwich, poor myself a cup of tea. Watch TV shows I've never watched before... I should probably empty the dishwasher, prepare a stew for dinner, fold and put away some laundry and pay some bills. I should fill out the accident report and deal with some paper work, finish my Mom's quilt binding and tidy up the house... But I just sit and stare, watching the minutes pass by. Waiting to get out of the house and drive back to the hospital.
All I want to do is sit by Luca's side and hold his hand and watch his recovery. Because being here at home feels like a waste of time... I should be there! But I also know that I can't be there 24/7. I need to catch up on sleep, eat and fill up my resources so I can sit there when it is my turn. When Jay comes home to run the show with the girls and take care of himself, then it is my watch. My turn to be there by Luca's side. I just hope he will get better soon. That he can come home soon. And that everything can go back to normal and we can let go of the worry that cuts like knives in our hearts.
Luca had a motocross accident and suffers from internal injuries. He is in bed rest for quickest recovery. But the worst thing is that he is in a lot of pain. I would take all that pain in an instant if I only could. Pain is the worst."
Wow you must have been so afraid, well done for keeping strong and to Luca for being so brave! Xx
ReplyDeleteГосподи, пошли скорейшее выздоровление Луке и сил Вам, Аннет и вашей семье!
ReplyDeleteIt must have been such a scary time for you all, and as a mum, our first reaction would be to say No More! But you're right, if he's passionate about his bike he needs to continue with it, and yes you will be nervous, bug life is for living! Glad he's recovering well, big hug :) xxx
ReplyDeleteMy dearest Annette,
ReplyDeleteFirst there was shock, followed by gasps and tears and then I included you in my prayers every day.
I am so so happy to read that lovely and brave Luca is getting better with the help of his strong and loving family he will soon be as right as rain. A good sign, as you say, that he wants to continue with his bike when all is well again. Fingers crossed that will be soon.
Comfort crochet for you I think...
In my thoughts every day...much much love
Heike xx
I am so glad that you are both well again - such a relief. You and your boy were in my prayers. I have been through similiar situations and know what strengh it takes from everyone involved. Take your time to recover from the trauma. Love and care from your family and a good lough from time time helps a lot. Thank god chrochet is one of the best therapies anyway. And I can also recommend cranio sacral therapy - its a great way of getting rid of traumapatterns that can be stuck in the body. Be well
ReplyDeleteOh my Annette, how terrible . I hope you all recover soon from this trauma. Take care
ReplyDeletea big hug or you both, xxxxx ale
ReplyDeleteKære Annette. Det er så dejligt at høre, at din dejlige dreng får det bedre og bedre. Fortsat god bedring og knus til jer.
ReplyDeleteGosh Annette, So glad he is making a good recovery. It must have been awful for you and Jay. As parents, it's the worst torture seeing our children hurt or ill. You have to let them live though and experience what they love. I guess it's good that he wants to get 'back on the bike' so to speak, it shows he has such a strong passion for it.
ReplyDeleteTake care my lovely xxxxxx
O minha amiga que aflição deve ter passado vocês todos ai.Mas graças a Deus Luca esta bem né? Desejo forças e que a recuperação dele seja completa e permanente.Beijo em seus corações.Valéria.
ReplyDeleteAnnette, you are so brave, so loving and so strong. I wish Luca a speedy recovery so that he can go out and have more adventures. Love to you all. XXX
ReplyDeleteOh, Annette, it must have been horrible.
ReplyDeleteDuring this same time, a friend of mine's boy had his scull fractured during a hockey match, had to undergo emergency surgery. Fine now, but no more contact sport.
Your boy is strong, he'sbeen through much - all the best for his recovery.
Bless your heart. I'm glad he is recovering. Your written words describe exactly how I feel in a crisis - thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteDear Annette, I hope your Luca recovers very soon and all the bad memories of the accident heal quickly. It must have been incredibly difficult for you all but you will soon move on with life, all the best, Pati x
ReplyDeleteOh my word. So glad he is making good recovery. It is true we would so take the pain ourselves away from our children. Look after yourself as well. X Anne
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to know that all now is well after such a horribly worrying and tense time. You are so right to look out for post trauma. An entirely different scenario - my daughter and I were chased by a hooded man and rescued by neighbours. From what I will never know. Possibly nothing, but it was very frightening although no one was harmed. But once we were home, it was the what ifs that haunted me badly for about 10 years and affected me very much - not going out in the afternoons when it was dark and leaps of fear when passing people in the street, and being overly clingy to my daughter. I had to realise that we don't live in a parallel universe where the what ifs count. They don't happen. They never do. It is the what did happen that matter. I am so pleased to hear Luca is now doing well.
ReplyDeleteI know you are wise and know this already. I know that you have been through things in your life - with Luca and other things too that you have mentioned on your blog. You are a strong person and know that to take time and to look after yourself, is the most healing thing to do. As Luca's mother you may well be more affected than he is. After all he is a boy having adventures and a zest for life, and mostly that gives him so much. You know how much that is important to him and so you embrace it. You are a good mother and a loving one. He will always know that.
The very best to you Annette. I wish you peace and steadiness and continued joy with your lovely family. A full speedy recovery to Lucca, a boy to be proud of - don't we all wish we lived our lives to the full like this? Only a few are brave enough to do so. I wish him well.
Lots of love. xx
Oh dear, it must have been terrible! There is no greater worry than when your children are ill. But the worst is thankfully over and children do recover with the lighting speed. Wishing your boy a speedy recovery and beautiful summer to you all. Hugs from Bosnia
ReplyDeleteOh my stars Annette:
ReplyDeleteAs a mother I can totally know your fear and terror during this very trying time...
Its a miracle that Luca is up and around so quickly after such a traumatic accident and such a life threatening medical incident!!! Keeping you all in my prayers that Luca makes a complete and total recovery with no further complications.
Lyn ~ xox
Oh Annette. I am so glad the worst is over. What a wonderful mother you are to him. Sending you and all your family happy positbr get well and heal vibes from the UK
ReplyDeleteHugs and blessings to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that he has been recovering so quickly! Wishing you and your family a lovely summer, take care!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to read that it turned out well. My heart dropped when I saw you had deleted the photo on Instagram. Take care and heal well all of you. Big hug from Norway
ReplyDeleteGood recovery to all of you !
ReplyDeleteMe alegro saber que Luca se va recuperando del accidente y que tú también lo estás haciendo. Un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo.
ReplyDeleteMy gosh, this sounds like a nightmare for you. I'm so glad he is healing and in less pain!! Hope the sun continues to shine for you xxx
ReplyDeleteI'm am s-o glad he is home and mending! Nothing so hard as not being able to take away their pain. I agree about "getting back on the horse" hopefully it will be a life lesson and he will go on from there with great respect. My siblings and I grew up riding dirt bikes from a young age, I lost a brother to a four wheeler accident, he was always so fearless when he rode, and another brother lost an eye when we were teenagers due to an accident on his dirt bike, but he has went on to still have his love of riding and to this day still rides. Best wishes to you all.x
ReplyDeleteOh Annette, how terrible, you must have been to hell and back. I'm so glad he's on the mend, I hope he heals swiftly. You're in my thoughts. CJ xx
ReplyDeleteAll the very very best for Luca and the whole family !!!!!!
It's hard for a mother to sit by when their child is in pain. I'm glad to hear he is recovering and things are getting back to normal. Active boys don't like to lay around for long. I bet he will be bugging you soon to get back on his motorcycle! Take care xx
ReplyDeleteI know that feeling g of hating to see your child in.pain....I'm so happy to hear that his healing coming along!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh I am so glad for you that all has turned out as well as it has. I am so very pleased for you all. Thank goodness for doctors. xx
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, what a story, so glad it has a happy ending. He is an active boy and active boys are going to get hurt. He is healing and that is what is important now. But it must be so hard for you because as he is healing you are now able to fall a part a bit from all the stress and worry. Bless your heart and Luca's too.
Brave boy! I'm glad you recognized he needed medical attention asap and he is on the mend. Love your attitude about getting back up on the house. As once having had a child in the hospital I understand the emotional roller coaster you had gone through. Hugs to you warrior mama.
ReplyDeleteGoodness what a terrible thing to happen. I am so glad he is mending nicely now, albeit slowly. Hugs to you all. xxxx
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear this news, the young are so strong, but as Mothers we probably feel the most pain for our babes, so sorry for you too...sending love and telling you to be kind to yourself he will need you to be strong for him....
ReplyDeleteDaisy j xxxx
So sorry you've all been through this but very pleased he is on the mend. Best wishes to you all.
ReplyDeleteDear Annette - I'm so sorry to hear about poor little Luca and his accident, but I am so glad to hear he is recovering fine. You are all so brave! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers <3 DianeM
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that he is recovering - and you too.
ReplyDeleteOh Annette, that must have so, so hard for you. Like you I would have wanted to be able to bear that pain but you can't all you could do was watch, wait and pray. I am so very glad that he is recovering now. take care. x
ReplyDeleteOh my god !! Thats terrible ... hope you and young boy is good now.. do take care of yourself .. Hugs to you
ReplyDeleteDear Annette Nothing hurts more than your hurt child! Wishing Luca a speedy recovery and you all lots of strength. xxxx Rebecca
ReplyDeleteDear Annette,
ReplyDeleteWhat a horrible thing to have happened. I am happy to hear that the worse is over and Lucca is feeling better. You are a courageous mother for letting him live his life and step on his bike once more, although it must be difficult for you.
Hope Lucca will be his old self again soon!
I am having a tea in my garden on the 21st of June. If it's raining it won't go through. I just wanted to let you know. If you feel for it your very much welcome, but I can imagine your son is first priority now. Furthermore it's a long way to travel for a few hours in the garden :-)
Take care Annette!
Madelief x
All the bests and fingers crossed for Luca!
ReplyDeletePoor mother, very poor you, I cross fingers for your son and YOU, a lot of HEALTH to him and YOU, God is with You, greetings, bye, ann
ReplyDeleteOh goodness - I hope he recovers quickly and you get some time to rest and recuperate after all of the excitement x
ReplyDeleteOh Annette, how frightening. I do hope Luca is back to full strength very soon, poor soul. You know, children are so very resilient and it does seem to be that we parents are left a gibbering heap far longer than their wounds take to heal. Take things gently my love, all of you. xxx
ReplyDeleteHow scary! I'm glad he's going to be okay. Take good care of yourself, too! Hugs and prayers!
ReplyDeleteSo good it's going to be okay. All the best! Regula
ReplyDeleteAnnette, jo desitjo que tot surti bé i el noi es recuperi molt aviat. Una gran abraçada... entenc el seu dolor....
ReplyDeleteAnnette, I hope that everything goes well and the boy will recover very soon. A big hug ... I understand your pain ....
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry it's taken me so long to speak to you my sweet friend. What an awful thing you've all been through. I can't even think about how horrible it must have all been for you, your poor boy. Your baby! I am very glad to hear that he's on the mend now though and that it sounds like he is still raring to go again. These kids are pretty amazing aren't they? Look after yourself though, you are right, we are the ones that carry these things with us if we are not careful. Many hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteS xxx