My new neighbour Christine got excited about my cabinet project and offered to help this weekend. Who can turn such a generous offer down? So we tackled the big "monster" (it feels like a monster as it is such a big and intimidating project for a beginner like me...). For three ours we stripped and scraped off paint. The day after I continued on my own and managed to get even more done. But then I ran out of stripper chemicals... Bummer.
So typical just because you finally decided to just do it! So now I have to wait until next week to continue, because I am flying to England tomorrow to participate in my best friends wedding. (Yippi - it is going to be so much fun!) My goal is to have stripped it all off before October break in school starts for the kids (11th). Wish me luck.
Soon will have to tame the monster and give him a good coat of paint!