Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hellooooo, where have I been?

I had so many blog posts I wanted to write. So many things I wanted to share. But this temporary job is taking all my time and all my energy that I don't even check my social media channels daily anymore... needless to say I've been absent from Cyber World.

The job is so exciting and has made a hiuge change for my well being. I'm crazy tired in the mornings but having the routine of getting up, getting ready and going to work feels fantastic. Structure. Weekends. How I enjoy my weekends now. It feels like I haven't had weekends in forever. Working form home and being a stay at home Mum every day is just another day... It all just melts together in a big gooey "What day is it?" kind of.

Juggling work and home is a challenge, but I've decided to not put so much thought into it. It is what it is. Dust bunnies are jumping around, the fridge is a bit of a mess and the laundry is piling up a bit but its not too overwhelming. After all, I have a husband and three pretty grown kids. I'm not the ONLY one capable of running a vacuum or emptying a dishwasher in this household, you know.

I like this time of year. I'm a starter, as you all know, and January is a great time to start things in my opinion. I clean out Christmas and go fresh. Most often I start organizing neglected corners of the house and YES, I think I've caught a light Maria Kondo fever (I'll tell you more about that in a separate blog post). I'm being food aware and trying something new (I'll tell you about that too one day I hope) and I'm starting to binge on pink as I'm going towards my pink period of the year and I am loving it. Pink, pink, PINK! So refreshing. So crisp. So full of hope for the future. Are you loving pink this time of year too?

Anyway. I thought I would just pop in as I haven't been around so much lately. I'll be back soon with some inspiring news for you who might long for vacation... getting away... Have you ever dreamed of going to Greece? Have you ever dreamed of going on a Crochet Retreat? I have. But I've never been to one but a little birdie whispered some great news in my ear that there is an opportunity for both Greece and a crochet retreat coming up... Stay tuned. More info coming soon.

PATTERN NOTE: Shawl pattern, my own... one of those patterns that I one day will share with you.


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  1. Ooh, what are you up to now then, I wonder? It certainly sounds like it has you full of enthusiasm and energy, whatever it is! I feel just the opposite! 😂. I love the whole January fresh start thing too but this year it’s been a bit of a false start. Still i’m Finally finding my feet and made some progress so that will have to do. A crochet retreat, Greece? Sounds amazing!!!

    S x

  2. Thank you so much for the beautiful and inspiring posts. I read them most days and feel very happy and able to go ahead and make my own projects too.

  3. Yes, I'm rather obsessed with pink in spring and summer, love it, although I didn't always. Glad the job is going well. There is light wave of decluttering blowing through this house at the moment as well. CJ xx


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