Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Gypsy Blanket - my big reveal!

It has taken me 2 years, 7 months and 10 days to finish this blanket. It has been a long journey with sorrows and joy, frustration and delight, pain and pure bliss. Like  a marriage or a long lasting committed relationship. This blanket has it all and it is all all mine!

Sometimes when you start on a project not knowing where it will take you, it can get a bit of a anti climax to finally finish it. But not this one. I truly think I have suffered from separation anxiety with this project and as much as I have wished for it to be over and done at times I have dragged my feet to fasten off that last end... It actually took me 3 weeks to just sit down for 10 minutes and do that, fasten off the last ends...

To write this post I went back to see where it all began and when doing that I found it very interesting to read and see the growing process of this WiP. I have collected my milestones below in pictures and also in blog posts. To read old posts in full just click on the dates. Beware there are a lot of photos shared here today... Hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

19th of July 2010:
It was the yarn and the colors that inspired me to make granny squares. Once I figured out that I wanted to make 3 row granny squares and join them as I went on with my project I was hooked.

4th of August 2010:
Loving it! Playing with my 20 colors in different combos crocheting like crazy.

22nd of August 2010:
Depression hits! I develop a crochet elbow and suddenly I can't crochet anymore. The pain is so bad that I need cortison injections and have to put away all my crochet into the attic... It is put to rest for 5 months while I am slowly recovering.

18th of January 2011:
I am back with my hook. Just 5 minutes a day. Slowly my blanket starts to grow again.

27th of April 2011:
I am now up to 117 squares and I am starting to wonder how big I want this blanket to be.

3rd of November 2011:
I have a good 166 squares joined together, fastening off ends as I go to make it easier. I am planning on making 86 more squares to reach a decent size.

14th of June 2012:
Distracted by life, a lot of side projects and a fast growing blog my blanket has been at rest on and off and I decide to pick it up and make a last push to finish it.

5th of July 2012:
Everything is about granny squares at this point. I am piling them up and I realize that I need to make even more squares as I want the blanket to be even bigger.

22nd of January 2013:
I have reached the size I want. 320 squares. 1920 ends are fastened off. Now I have to decide on the edging.

1st of February 2013:
I share a tutorial on how to join the squares as you go.

19th of March 2013:
While my son Luca Bo is having an operation I finish my simple edging next to his bed in the wake up room in hospital. Suddenly my blanket has a bit of new history hooked into it making it even more special.

11th of April 2013:
I am sharing this story here at My Rose Valley. Dancing, laughing, singing and being so proud.

My Gypsy blanket is my pride and joy. She didn't need a frilly lace trim. I tried, believe me, but no... Her beauty lies within the colorful dress, not the accessories she is wearing. She is a natural beauty, just big enough to cuddle up in under in the sofa. Every end is carefully weaved in to avoid ends falling out and damaging the blanket. I worked with a small hook and the squares are delicate and relatively small. This blanket will follow me until the day I die and I will make sure one of my children will continue to love and treasure it after that...


Yarn: Sports weight, Ideal by Bergere de France, 40% wool, 30% acrylic, 30% polyamid
Hook size: 3 mm/D US (squares) and 3 1/2 mm/ E US (border)
Colors: 20 different colors
Amount of yarn used: Hmmm... I can not even remember anymore. Probably around 30.
Size of blanket: 45 x 55 inches/ 115 x 140 cm
Squares: 320 small 3-row granny squares
Weaved in ends: 1920

Thank you for visiting and sharing this moment with me today. It is a very precious moment indeed.

 The pattern for The Gypsy Blanket is available here.

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  1. It is gorgeous and I love all those pretty colors with the grey!! xo Heather

  2. Oh my! Amazing! Such a beautiful blanket :) you must love it sooo much! Gorgeous pictures too xx

  3. Congratulations! It's very beautiful and was so worth the wait. Need to get working on my own blanket WIP...

  4. Åh så fin! Jag gillar särskilt den vita raden i kanten. Det ser nästan ut som om du vävt in ett vitt brodyrband.:)

  5. Annette,

    It is one of the most beautiful blankets I ever saw.
    I will put him on my to do list.
    Good Job:-)

  6. I doing a blanket right now and I already passed to all that phases that you spoke about :sorrows and joy, frustration and delight, pain and pure bliss. I hope for the day I will post that I ended it too.

    It's beautiful the blanket. Love the color mix, and the black edge with a blank line it's genious!

    Sofia G

  7. Beautiful! Enjoy your blanket xx

  8. Beautiful.
    Even if it took some years, there are important feelings, and memories in it.
    Tack för den fina virkinspirationen Du ger :-)


  9. you have every right to be so proud of's a work of art...enjoy it!!

  10. That is absolutely beautiful and I hope you will be dancing around with joy for some time to come! The border is perfect - an ideal backdrop for the vibrant colours. Well done and a big gold star for you x Jane

  11. It's absolutely awesome!!! Well done!


  12. Gorgeous blanket...makes me want to crochet one :) lovely edging too!

  13. It's wonderful Annette, a real treat! I like the contrasting border, gives it some depth and impact. It's your blanket, your story! Heather x

  14. She’s a beauty Annette! Congratulations on finishing, I envy those who can whip up a blanket quickly. It took me well over two years as well to finish the one small blanket I’ve made. Pillows, buntings and garlands are way more enjoyable for me to make. I kinda an instant gratification kind of girl. (ps long time reader, 1st time commenting I’m trying to be better at letting the people who create the blogs I love and can’t live without know how much I love them!!)

  15. Oh, this is beautiful! More than 300 squares, wow! Huge work, well done!

  16. Oooooh Annette it's wonderful. Really , really lovely. The colours are perfect, happy and bright but not neon and clashing. I love the restrained border too...perfect for this project.
    It's one of my all time favourites...well done :0)
    Jacquie x

  17. What a beautiful blanket :) I love to work on my blankets too

  18. Beautiful!!
    It´s a gorgeous job

  19. Hejsan!
    Jag heter Marlene är 33 år och bor i en liten by i Norrlands inland med min sambo och vår dotter på 5år. Jag råkade snubbla över din blogg på något sätt för en tid sen, och måste i och med dagens ljuvliga filt inlägg TACKA SÅ JÄTTEMYCKET för all inspiration och glädje som du sprider med dina bilder. Jättetrevlig blogg på alla sätt!!

    Ha det så jättebra...
    /Marlene Sundin

  20. Beautiful, Annette! Happy for you that it's done. Have a good cuddle.

  21. My compliments, the result is absolutely beautiful!

  22. It is absolutely gorgeous!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  23. What a project! Its beautiful, inspiring and absolutely price worthy. Love love love. Hannapat

  24. Your gypsy blanket looks lovely, Annette! I love the mixture of colours making it look very friendly! Well done for finishing it. Nice edging!

  25. I am so proud of you, she is quite an amazing blanket. I love every color combination. Love it, love it, love it.


  26. Very beautiful! Loved looking at all the pictures. I think one should always celebrate finishing something so pretty, at the very least with a big Woo hoo!


  27. What a beautiful blanket. No wonder you are so proud of it - you deserve to be. x

  28. Wow, that's incredible! What a great family heirloom!
    Maria x

  29. Oh thats so beautiful, so much work and love put in that, I am so envious!

  30. Annette!! This is really a beauty! Blanket is very beautiful! I love it, really! You took many days you have to do it, this is extraordinary! I know the hard work that all this, I'm also doing a blanket of long duration, the blankets are always very elaborate work but in the end there is a reward: a beautiful blanket for a lifetime! What a pleasure! How wonderful blanket! With these colors so vivid and so beautiful ... I've fallen in love with your blanket, Annette! I congratulate you for this job, beautiful ... beautiful ... congratulations!

  31. It is gorgeous !
    I 've been making a blanket for about 6 months now and still a long way to go until is finished.
    Great Job !

  32. How fantastic!!! Congratulations!! It will be so wonderful to snuggle up under, huh? :)

  33. Gorgeous, beautiful and inspiring! A family treasure for ever. Love it! I have to take time later tonight to go back and read all your posts that you linked to.

  34. Gorgeous Blanket. You must be so proud. You have filled me with hope as my hexagon blanket started in January 2012 is still only half done. I think I should keep a target of December 2013. Seems doable that way. :)

  35. Bravo ! superbe !

  36. I understand your feelings and all the process!!!
    Brava Annette,
    big hugs xxx Ale

  37. It is beautiful!
    I am making myself white granny square balnket,it is about 6months now, but still a plenty of time ahead of me,it has its ups and downs as my life, that is why I love it.

  38. This blanket is so beautiful!

  39. Wow, Annette All those colors, so gypsy. And a real LOVE blanket!

  40. It´s beautiful Annette! I love your blog :)

  41. This is really global crotcheting language.... :D

  42. Annette, this blanket is realy realy beautiful. I especially like the border with the white in it. It makes the blanket come together in all its Glory!!!
    Good job and very therapeutic I guess?

  43. Beautiful ! Loved seeing photos of this blanket on Instagram ! It is amazing :)

  44. i looooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!
    What a beautifull blanket!! Can't help it...she is al little in my heart as well..:)
    Love Theetje

  45. Stunningly beautiful, I absolutely love it and admire your commitment and dedication to its completion. Heather xx

  46. What a lovely blanket!! I have a few WIP myself and you have inspired me to finish them!! I LOVE seeing the picture with the light shining through the blanket. Very beautiful!!

  47. Fantastic!!! What a wonderful blanket, beautiful colors, heartfelt history, this blanket has it all. Well done, indeed!!

  48. Your Gypsy Blanket is wonderful and I love how you love it so. It's really beautiful! The colours are glorious and basically I want one! Well done for all the hard work, I know what you mean about not wanting to finish it. I love what I make but I love the making of it too. It's amazing to think that every little stitch was made by you and only exists because you created it.

  49. I am in love with your blanket! Amazing and beautiful ♥
    Ana BC

  50. Wowsa! That blanket is gorgeous! I love it!

  51. I love it! And thank you for the link for the flat border tutorial! I'm working on a granny square blanket myself and will this tip come in handy!

  52. It's a triumph indeed!! I hear you with the crochet's similar to patchwork wrist!

  53. tığ örgüler muhteşem çok sevdim beğendim ben sizi takip ediyorum görüşmek üzere iyi pazarlar..

  54. Gorgeous....I'm just amazed. Soooo so beautiful!

  55. wow !that's awesome ,It's stunningly beautiful,i love it ,xoxo zohreh

  56. Well, words fail me really. What can I say? It's obviously splendid and beautiful and fabulous and lovely but those don't really seem enough. It's absolutely priceless and, I think wordless. That's how utterly spectacular it is. You have my complete admiration!

    S x

  57. I have to admit, I have been lurking in the shadows for quite some time now...but this, this is too special to admire in silence...what a magnificent accomplishment! Bravo!

  58. NOW! I know just what to do with all my scrap-yarn, and know it will create something beautiful!! Thanks for the "insight" :0)

  59. Vilken fantastisk filt du gjort! Blir så inspirerad att montera ihop den filt jag själv håller på att virka. Förresten, hajade till när jag såg din hand: exakt samma vigselring som jag själv har! Första gången jag ser någon annan ha likadan :-)

  60. WOW!!!!!!!! I AM SO IMPRESSED AND SOOOO JEALOUS!! But...having said that you have inspired me more than you will ever ever know. I have been crocheting for 37years and always keep my extra yarn from every afghan. So thank you, thank you, thank you Annette for putting this on the internet. You have made me see that it doesn't matter how long it takes I just need to do it.
    I hope mine comes out as gorgeous as yours!!

  61. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your blanket!!! So much time, effort and patience- wonderfully inspiring!!!

  62. I love the colors you chose. The blanket would work for a man or a woman too. Thanks for sharing!

  63. Absolutely beautiful!
    Very, very well done. May your family treasure it forever!
    Thank you for sharing and also inspiring.

  64. Amazingly beautiful.....Need lots of time and patience. I have started one and i hope i can drag myself like you till end.

  65. Your Gypsy is just so stunning. A lot of love went into her. Granny squares are my favorite, I have two going on right now, in which I might combine the two of them. We will see what I do later.

    Keep up the good work. Have a great day/night.


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