Saturday, March 10, 2018

Feeling sentimental, feeling hopeful, feeling grateful, feeling love...

Spring, dear spring.
How I long for your presence.
Fill my trees with blossoms in the most delicate shades of pink.
Make the meadow green, lush and wild.
Let me hear the buzz from the busy bees, spot a bumble bee for the first time.
Bring bird song to my early mornings and warming sunlight when I go outside.
Give we a light breeze to dry my laundry.
Give me hope that our universe won’t get defeated by humans' need to consume and abuse the world and its resources until there will be nothing left...

Spring, dear spring.
Let me run around bare feet over the fields, remembering the joy of small things and adventures as they were when I was little and innocent, curious and pure.
I crave an honest life.
I crave simplicity.
I crave the moment I’m in.
Most of all I crave the feeling of love from what matters most in my life.
My children.
The next generation.
Our next spring.

Spring, dear spring.
I love you so.


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  1. Thank you for sharing your love for Spring. I love spring to, but couldn't say it better.

    Dear greetings, Margaret

  2. Kære Annette. Dine ord og de tanker, de udtrykker, er ligeså fine og smukke som foråret. Tak.

  3. That was lovely to read. I am waiting patiently for spring to arrive xxx


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