Thursday, March 4, 2010

About a picture, cleft palete & pom-poms!

I am challenged by IA Nyckelpiga to tell you all about my 4th picture in my 4th folder. The photo is of my son Luca blowing bubbles for the first time at the "placeta" in Esporles, Mallorca (we lived there for 4 years).  He was three years old and it was during Easter in 2007. And it was a very special moment. You see, Luca was born with a wide bilateral cleft palate (which you can't really see on this particular photo) and for him to be able to blow bubbles was a BIG thing. A great moment for us all.

Here he is, only 3 months old. He is wearing a retainer with a hook which helped his right nostril to gain the "curve" and it also covered up his open palate on the inside to help him being able to eat (it is a long story...).

And here he is at 4 years old (after 3 big surgeries). Smiling and all happy. He has only started his journey of treatment but he is a good sport with a very special spirit. More about this part of my life another time. But until then, please read about Smile Train below.

About cleft palate children

Cleft palate is not only a superficial birth defect. Cleft palate children often have problems feeding, thriving, speaking and being accepted in society. 
 It is unfortunate we live in such a superficial world but needless to say a fact. Because these children have a special spark and spirit that no other child has. Maybe because they know pain, they know what suffering is all about. Not just physically but also emotionally. 
However (without getting to emotional) I would like to encourage you all to help children with cleft palate in the third world by visiting the Smile Train, an organisation (rated by the New York Times to be one of the worlds most productive charities) that tells us:

 " It costs as little as $250 to give a desperate child not just a new smile but a new life". 

My family has helped many children with small donations from time to time since our dear Luca was born, you can help too. 

And to add something crafty to all the very private and kinda heavy talk. We made pom-poms today, me and the kids. They had the afternoon off on my day off work (yes, I am a working mother now - not an easy transition...). Aren't they cute? A perfect way of using up left over yarn. I think they look great there in my kitchen window!
Lots of love


  1. Sötis!!
    Han har världens rundaste piggaste ögon!!

  2. Kuddfodralen sys med symaskin , det ár bara att braka pá!!

  3. Tänk sånt man tar för givet, att ens barn ska få kunna le, inte är en självklarhet i andra länder. Tänk att vara förälder åt ett barn i ett u-land, där det inte finns varken pengar till vård eller ens basic vård överhuvudtaget.
    Hur matar man en liten med cleft palate (vet inte vad det heter på svenska), går det att amma?? En tjej på BB, samma rum som mig, hade en liten skrutt med samma condition. Hon fick mata honom med en speciell nappflaska med bröstmjölk i.
    Vad söt han är Luca :-)

  4. Hi anette

    thank you for popping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment, Moo is a very happy bunny!! I really like the pom poms might even give them a go, thanks again for poppin by

    kazx and Moo xxx

  5. funderar också på om det vore bättre att köpa några gamla (funktionsdugliga förståss) barnstolar. Det är svindyrt att hyra sånt här, så jag antar att det nog inte är gratis i Sverige heller... Och medicin ska jag ha med mig... Både Panadol (skulle tro att det är samma sak som Alvedon) och Phenergan (för Jades allergier. Och att ge till Max för att få honom lite lugn... Att springa runt i ett plan och runt flygplatser verkar föga tilltalande. Funderar på att köpa en sele åt honom så han inte springer iväg! Visst kan killar ha en rosa bike! Det går alldeles utmärkt det.... Max loooooves his! Den röda och blå tittar han inte ens åt, så den får Jade ta...


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